Subject description - A0B04CAE1

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A0B04CAE1 Certificate of Advanced English CAE 1
Roles:V Extent of teaching:2C
Department:13104 Language of teaching:
Guarantors:Péterová P. Completion:Z
Lecturers:  Credits:2
Tutors:Dawes Emerson C., Juna Jennings P., Ynsua M. Semester:Z,L

Web page:


The aim of the course is to prepare for Certificate of Advanced English - the second highest level Cambridge ESOL exam. The course CAE1 covers units 1-4. Studying for CAE helps you to improve your language skills (reading, writing, English in use, listening and speaking) and use them in a wide range of contexts. The exam is based on realistic tasks and indicates the ability to use the language in practical situations. You will be able to participate in meetings and discussions, expressing opinions clearly and be able to understand and produce texts of various types. CAE is recognised by the majority of universities in English speaking countries as proof of adequate language skills for courses taught and assessed in English as well as by employers who require knowledge of a foreign language. CAE is taken by more than 60 000 people each year in more than 60 countries. It is possible but not necessary for obtaining credit to take CAE at British Council.

Study targets:

The aim of the course is to prepare for Certificate of Advanced English - the second highest level Cambridge ESOL exam.


The course CAE1 covers units 1-4.

Course outlines:

Week 1 Where we live Speaking and Use of English: interview & multiple-choice cloze; Grammar: perfect and continuous forms Week 2 Where we live Vocabulary: figurative language, Reading: multiple choice; Listening: multiple matching Week 3 Where we live Grammar: emphasis with inversion; Writing: essay Week 4 The art of conversation Speaking and Use of English: giving opinions & word formation; Listening: multiple choice Week 5 The art of conversation Grammar: articles; Reading: gapped text; Vocabulary: collocations & adjectives Week 6 The art of conversation Grammar: defining and non-defining relative clauses; Writing: proposal Week 7 Ages and stages Vocabulary and Grammar: life stages & countable and uncountable n.; Reading: cross-text multiple matching Week 8 Ages and stages Grammar: introductory it; Speaking: collaborative task and discussion; Use of English: multiple-choice cloze Week 9 Ages and stages Listening: multiple choice; Writing: report Week 10 No gain without pain Listening and Grammar: sentence completion & verb patterns -ing/infinitive; Vocabulary: verb/noun colloc. Week 11 No gain without pain Use of English: key word transformation; Reading: multiple choice; Grammar: modal verbs Week 12 No gain without pain Speaking: justifying an opinion; Writing: essay Week 13 Final credit test Week 14 Credits

Exercises outline:

Week 1 Where we live Speaking and Use of English: interview & multiple-choice cloze; Grammar: perfect and continuous forms Week 2 Where we live Vocabulary: figurative language, Reading: multiple choice; Listening: multiple matching Week 3 Where we live Grammar: emphasis with inversion; Writing: essay Week 4 The art of conversation Speaking and Use of English: giving opinions & word formation; Listening: multiple choice Week 5 The art of conversation Grammar: articles; Reading: gapped text; Vocabulary: collocations & adjectives Week 6 The art of conversation Grammar: defining and non-defining relative clauses; Writing: proposal Week 7 Ages and stages Vocabulary and Grammar: life stages & countable and uncountable n.; Reading: cross-text multiple matching Week 8 Ages and stages Grammar: introductory it; Speaking: collaborative task and discussion; Use of English: multiple-choice cloze Week 9 Ages and stages Listening: multiple choice; Writing: report Week 10 No gain without pain Listening and Grammar: sentence completion & verb patterns -ing/infinitive; Vocabulary: verb/noun colloc. Week 11 No gain without pain Use of English: key word transformation; Reading: multiple choice; Grammar: modal verbs Week 12 No gain without pain Speaking: justifying an opinion; Writing: essay Week 13 Final credit test Week 14 Credits


GOLD Advanced Coursebook (with 2015 exam specifications), A. Thomas with S. Burgess, Pearson Longman Unit 1-4


B2 exam should be passed.



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