Subject description - AD3M38VBM

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AD3M38VBM Videometry and Contactless Measurement
Roles:  Extent of teaching:14P+6L
Department:13138 Language of teaching:CS
Guarantors:  Completion:Z,ZK
Lecturers:  Credits:6
Tutors:  Semester:L

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This course explains the topics of optoelectronic sensors, especially CCD sensors, and their application in the videometry based contactless measurements. The problems of CCD line and area sensors, design of measuring cameras and the methods of signal processing are presented.

Course outlines:

1. Introduction to videometry
2. Methods of the contactless measurement
3. The analysis of videometry methods
4. Light sources for videometry
5. Design of photodiode sensors and their signal conditioning circuits
6. CCD line and area sensors, the error analysis
7. The design of a control block for CCD sensors, TV standard
8. Analog circuits for the CCD signal processing
9. Video signal digitalization and microcomputer interfacing
10. Principles of optical systems for videometry
11. The parameter calculation of the optical system
12. The use of CCD-TV camera in the videometry
13. The triangulation methods of measurement of shape and position
14. Case study, reserve

Exercises outline:

1. Optoelectronic sensors (reflexive and gates)
2. Position measurement by the circular differential photodiode
3. Optoelectronic fiber sensor
4. Optoelectronic sensors sensitivity measurement
5. Project
6 Project
7. Project
8. Project
9. CCD TV camera videosignal measurement, TV norm CCIR, PAL
10. Measurement of CCD line sensor
11. CCD line camera, the precise dimension measurement
12. The estimation of geometrical errors of CCD camera based systems
13. Automatic dimension measurement by embedded image processing system MDTR,
14. Evaluation of laboratory project


1. Kjell J. Glsvik: Optical Metrology (Third Edition), 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, 2002, ISBN: 9780470843000
2. Holst, G.: CMOS/CCD sensors and camera systems, JCD Publishing 2007
3. Saleh, Bahaa E. A. / Teich, Malvin Carl: Fundamentals of Photonics, ISBN-10: 0-471-35832-0, Wiley Series in Pure and Applied Optics, 2007
4. Hecht, E.: Optics, 4th Edition, 2001


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Page updated 14.3.2025 15:51:22, semester: Z,L/2025-6, Z,L/2024-5, Send comments about the content to the Administrators of the Academic Programs Proposal and Realization: I. Halaška (K336), J. Novák (K336)