Subject description - XP13FPD

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XP13FPD Semiconductor Physics
Roles:S Extent of teaching:2P+2S
Department:13113 Language of teaching:CS
Guarantors:Benda V. Completion:Z,ZK
Lecturers:Benda V. Credits:4
Tutors:Benda V. Semester:Z


The aim of the course is to deepen the knowledge of the properties of semiconductor materials and structures that are important for a deeper understanding of the semiconductor components technology .

Study targets:

To acquire knowledge of semiconductor materials and structures needed for deeper understanding of semiconductor devices


Basics of solid state physics. The movement of the electron in the crystal lattice in the external electric and magnetic fields. Holes and their basic properties. Band structure of the most important semiconductors Crystal Lattice Disorders. Statistics of electrons and holes in semiconductors. Free charge carrier concentration. Influence of temperature and concentration of impurities on carrier concentration. Transport phenomena in semiconductors. Semiconductor Conductivity, Hall Effect, Magnetoresistance. Transport phenomena at the presence of temperature gradient. Transmission phenomena in strong electric fields. Generation and recombination of non-equilibrium charge carriers. Diffusion and drift of non-equilibrium charge carriers. Non-homogeneous semiconductors and basic semiconductor structures. PN transition properties. Amorphous semiconductors.

Course outlines:

1. Basics of solid state physics
Adiabatic approximation.One-electron approximation.Bloch's Theorem
2. Movement of electron in crystal lattice in external electric and magnetic field
Holes and their basic properties
3. Band structure of the most important semiconductors
Semiconductors with diamond structure Semiconductors with sphalerite structure
4. Crystal lattice disorders
Crystal lattice oscillations - Phonons. The interaction of phonons with electrons and holes Localized defects, donors and acceptors
5. Statistics of electrons and holes in semiconductors
Density of states. Free charge carrier concentration
6. Non-degenerate semiconductors, compensated semiconductors, degenerate semiconductors,
Influence of temperature on carrier concentration
7. Transport phenomena in semiconductors. Boltzmann transport equation
Scattering mechanisms.
8. Conductivity of semiconductors, dependence on temperature and concentration of impurities
Hall effect, magnetoresistance. Transport phenomena in the presence of temperature gradient
9. Transport phenomena in strong electric fields
Gunn effect, impact ionization
10. Generation of non-equilibrium charge carriers
Optical generation of non-equilibrium charge carriers
11. Recombination of non-equilibrium carriers
Interband Radiation Recombination, Impact (Auger) Interband Recombination Recombination through local centers. Surface recombination.
12. Diffusion and drift of non-equilibrium charge carriers
13. Non-homogeneous semiconductors and basic semiconductor structures
Semiconductors with inhomogeneous doping.. PN junction properties
14. Amorphous semiconductors

Exercises outline:

1. Crystal lattice, types of crystal lattices, symmetry elements
2. Reciprocal crystal lattice, Brilloun zones
3. Band structure of semiconductors - examples
4. Donors and acceptors in semiconductors
5. Calculation of Fermi level
6. Methods of semiconductor conductivity measurement
7.-11.  Measurement of semiconductor materials parameters
12. Evaluation of experiments
13. Credit


M. Grundmann: The Physics of Semiconductors - An Introduction Including Nanophysics
and Applications, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2010
Y. Yoshida and G. Langouche (editors): Defects and Impurities in Silicon Materials: An Introduction to Atomic-Level Silicon Engineering, Springer, Japan 2015
Benda V, Gowar J, Grant DA: Power semiconductor devices-theory and applications, Chichester, 1999, John Wiley & Sons.


Basic knowledge of mathematics and physics (including quantum theory)


XP13FPD - Semiconductor physics


Electrons and holes, conductivity band, valence band, donors, acceptors, fermi-dirac distribution function, Fermi energy, free charge carrier concentration, Boltzmann transport equation, semiconductor conductivity, Hall effect, thermoelectric effects, non-equilibrium charge carriers - generation and recombination, carrier diffusion and drift, non-homogeneous semiconductors, PN junction, heterojunction, semiconductor-metal contact, amorphous semiconductors

Subject is included into these academic programs:

Program Branch Role Recommended semester
DOKP Common courses S
DOKK Common courses S

Page updated 7.2.2025 15:55:26, semester: Z/2024-5, Z/2025-6, L/2024-5, Send comments about the content to the Administrators of the Academic Programs Proposal and Realization: I. Halaška (K336), J. Novák (K336)