Subject description - XP13FCD

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XP13FCD Photovoltaics systems
Roles:S Extent of teaching:2P+2L
Department:13113 Language of teaching:CS
Guarantors:Benda V. Completion:Z,ZK
Lecturers:Benda V., Holovský J. Credits:4
Tutors:Benda V., Holovský J. Semester:L


The course discusses the most important problems of principle, technology of production and final use of photovoltaic systems for power generation. Topics: Solar energy and basic principles of conversion. Photovoltaic effect, photovoltaic cells. Optimization of cell structure in terms of optical and electrical properties of individual layers. V-A characteristics of photovoltaic cells. Determination of the maximum theoretically achievable energy conversion efficiency of a given structure. Photovoltaic modules. Technological processes of production of basic types of photovoltaic cells and modules. Characterization and diagnostic methods, analysis of failure types, influence on durability. Photovoltaic systems (autonomous, connected to the grid). Components of photovoltaic systems. Simulation of yield for a given type of climate and season. Trends in applications of photovoltaic systems and economic aspects.

Study targets:

To provide students with detailed information on the design and technology of photovoltaic cells and modules, as well as the function of photovoltaic systems, degradation processes and economic aspects.


Solar energy and its exploitation using photovoltaic systems. Photovoltaic phenomena, solar cells and their characteristics, solar modules (construction, technology, parameters). Photovoltaic systems (including energy conservation). Photovoltaic system applications, optimisation of operating conditions. Basic economical and ecological aspects, present trends.

Course outlines:

1. Solar radiation, spectra, terrestial conditions
2. Photovoltaic phenomena
3. Solar cells and their characteristics
4. Monocrystalline, polycrystalline and thin film solar cells
5. Solar cells from other semiconductor materials
6. Construction and fabrication of solar cells
7. Construction and fabrication of modules
8. Basic types of photovoltaic systems
9. Stand alone PV systems and energy storage
10. On-grid systems
11. Applications of photovoltaic systems
12. PV systems reliability and diagnostics
13. Basic economic and ecological aspects

Exercises outline:

1. Introduction
2. Methods of solar radiation scaling
3. Evaluation of I-V curve parameters of photovoltaic cells
4.-5.  Simulate cells and modules with SPICE
6.-8.  Measurement of PV cell and module parameters
9. Diagnostics of PV modules - visual inspection and electroluminescence
10.-11.  Measurement of inverter parameters in UCEEB
12. Design of photovoltaic system
13.-14.  Final test and assesment


[1] M. Iqbal, An Introduction to Solar Radiation (Academic, Toronto, 1983)
[2] C.J. Chen, Physics of Solar Energy, J. Wiley & Sons, Hoboken 2011
[3] G.H.Bauer, Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conversion, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2015
[4] A. Luque and Steven Hegedus (editors), Handbook of Photovoltaic Science and Engineering,
2011 John Wiley & Sons
[5] A. Smets, K. Jäger, O. Isablla, R. van Swaaij and M. Zeman, Solar Energy, UIT Cambridge Ltd., Cambridge,2016
[6] T. M. Letcher and V. M. Fthenakis (editors) A Comprehensive Guide to Solar Energy
Systems With Special Focus on Photovoltaic Systems, 2018 Elsevier Inc


Basic knowledge of mathematics and physics Basic knowledge of semiconductor physics and technology


Solar energy, irradiance, atmospheric mass, photovoltaic phenomena, photon absorption, carrier generation, carrier recombination, PV cells, PN junction, heterojunction, crystalline silicon cells, BSF cells, PERC cells, IBC cells, HJT cells, thin film cells, PV modules, PV module parameters, stand-alone PV systems, on-grid PV systems, energy storage, PV inverters, BOS, PV system operating, PV system maintenance, reference yield, performance ratio, PV module degradation

Subject is included into these academic programs:

Program Branch Role Recommended semester
DOKP Common courses S
DOKK Common courses S

Page updated 10.2.2025 05:51:07, semester: Z/2025-6, Z,L/2024-5, Send comments about the content to the Administrators of the Academic Programs Proposal and Realization: I. Halaška (K336), J. Novák (K336)