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Web page:
Hypermedia systems, basic models. Intelligent searching, adaptive navigation, personalization of access to web applications. Web intelligence, semantic web. Web engineering, main topics and the ways out. Internet computing. Modern technologies for web applications design.
Course outlines:
1. | | Hypermedia systems, basic models. ^ |
2. | | Intelligent searching ^ |
3. | | Adaptive navigation ^ |
4. | | Personalization of access to web applications ^ |
5. | | Web intelligence ^ |
6. | | Semantic web ^ |
7. | | Internet computing |
8. | | Web engineering, main topics and the ways out. ^ |
9. | | Modern technologies for web applications design.^ |
Exercises outline:
1. | | WEB Engineering, Priciples and techniques by Woojong Suh Publisher: Idea |
Group Publishing; (2005)
2. | | WEB Engineering by Emilia Mendes, Nile Mosley (Eds.) Publisher: Kluwer |
Academic Press publishing; (2006)
3. | | The Semantic Web : A Guide to the Future of XML, Web Services, and |
Knowledge Management by Michael C. Daconta, Leo J. Obrst, Kevin T. Smith
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons; (2003)
4. | | Internet Computing, Singh, M.,P. (Ed), Chapman, 2005 |
Series, Cooperative Information Systems Related Links
Companion Site (w/ slides and supplemental content)
5. | | Grigoris Antoniou and Frank van Harmelen, A Semantic Web |
Primer, The MIT Press, 2010
Hypermedia systems, Web engineering, Semantic web, Internet computing
Subject is included into these academic programs:
Page updated 17.2.2025 17:51:28, semester: Z/2025-6, Z,L/2024-5, Send comments about the content to the Administrators of the Academic Programs |
Proposal and Realization: I. Halaška (K336), J. Novák (K336) |