Subject description - XP04A1

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XP04A1 English language 1
Roles:S Extent of teaching:4C
Department:13104 Language of teaching:CS
Guarantors:Juna Jennings P. Completion:NIC
Lecturers:  Credits:0
Tutors:Juna Jennings P., Lucki M. Semester:Z,L

Web page:


The course revises general English from previous studies, further develops speaking skills, listening and recalling spoken English as well as note-taking skills. Provides basic scientific terminology (cause-effect relationship, definitions, classification, basic information on composing written documents ).

Study targets:

The subject is offered as part of PhD language preparation and is aimed at students who can use more practice of their English skills.


1. Guidelines for scientific papers, using templates
2-3. Describing figures, tables and graphs, figure captions 4-5. English Tenses and Passive Voice in technical works
7. The use of articles in technical works (a, an, the)
8. Referencing guidelines and Reported Speech
9. Capitalisation and punctuation guidelines
10. Technical manuals and reports
11. How to rewrite your paper from British English to American English
12. Guidelines to preparing technical presentation
13. Giving presentations

Course outlines:

1. Guidelines for scientific papers, using templates
2-3. Describing figures, tables and graphs, figure captions 4-5. English Tenses and Passive Voice in technical works
7. The use of articles in technical works (a, an, the)
8. Referencing guidelines and Reported Speech
9. Capitalisation and punctuation guidelines
10. Technical manuals and reports
11. How to rewrite your paper from British English to American English
12. Guidelines to preparing technical presentation
13. Giving presentations

Exercises outline:

1. Guidelines for scientific papers, using templates
2-3. Describing figures, tables and graphs, figure captions 4-5. English Tenses and Passive Voice in technical works
7. The use of articles in technical works (a, an, the)
8. Referencing guidelines and Reported Speech
9. Capitalisation and punctuation guidelines
10. Technical manuals and reports
11. How to rewrite your paper from British English to American English
12. Guidelines to preparing technical presentation
13. Giving presentations


Lane, S.: Instant Academic Skills. A Resource Book of Advanced-Level Academic Skill Activities. Cambridge Univesrity Press. Jordan, P.R: Academic Writing Course De Haaff, J., Štěpánek, L. a kol.: Akademická angličtina. Grada Publishing, a.s., 2011. Hewings. M.: Advanced Grammar in Use. Cambridge University Press.
P. Dunkel: Intermediate Listening Comprehension (Understanding and recalling spoken English) other materials


B2 level

Subject is included into these academic programs:

Program Branch Role Recommended semester
DOKP Common courses S
DOKK Common courses S

Page updated 17.1.2025 09:51:20, semester: Z,L/2024-5, Z/2025-6, Send comments about the content to the Administrators of the Academic Programs Proposal and Realization: I. Halaška (K336), J. Novák (K336)