Mobility Programs and Study Abroad Offer for CTU Students
Discover the hundreds of destinations and opportunities for study abroad offered by the CTU International Office! Erasmus, Athens and many other programs in the frame of cooperation with the most prestigious institutions from the Europian Union as well as other developed countries will help you to get the best experience for your study, research and future carieer. Dont miss the next deadline!
Erasmus+ Program
It is possible to go within the Erasmus program to all EU member states, countries of the European Economic Area as well as candidate countries. CTU has a wide net of partner universities that are ready to host our students. For going outside the EU, see
Exchange Programmes to Non-European Countries and
Erasmus+ Traineeship Program
Within the Erasmus+ traineeship program it is possible to undertake traineeship abroad in a company or organization of your choice. You can already find out during your studies whether to work abroad or at home.
- This program is avilable for students and doctoral students who have the status of a CTU student during the entire duration of the traineeship
- Duration of 2–12 months (CTU financial contribution is provided for 6 months of your stay)
- Trainees can be recruited by any public or private organization active in the labor market or in education, professional training, youth work, a non-profit organization, a public body at local, regional or national level, etc., i. e. almost any entity, company, with the exception of institutions managing EU programmes (list of ineligible organizations can be found here).
- Essential information and instructions
- Application deadline: please, visit the Studuj ve světě website
- Program coordinator: Ing. Jana Dudková
Exchange Programmes to Non-European Countries
In the frame of the Exchange programmes to Non-European countries it is possibile to go to 16 destinations outside Europe (including Asia, America, Africa, Australia or New Zealand) to spend one or two semesters within given cycle of study (Bachelor, Master, Doctoral) in our partner university.
PhD and Staff Mobility Programs
As a PhD student, you are not limited by our list of universities. Just agree on cooperation with another foreign department and your mobility is about to happen.
Athens Programme
The ATHENS (Advanced Technology Higher Education Network, Socrates) programme was established in 1997 with the support of the European Commission. It brings together 16 major technical European universities. It is mainly ParisTech (association of the 10 most important Grandes Ecoles d’Ingemieurs in Paris, namely ENGREF, ENPC, ENSAM, ENSCP, ENSMP, ENST, ENSTA, Ecole Polytechnique, ESPCI, INAGP), then CTU in Prague, TU Delft, KU Leuven, INST Lisboa, UCL Louvain-la-Neuve, UP Madrid, NTNU Trondheim, TU Budapest, TU Wien, Politecnico di Milano, TU München, TU Warsaw, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Istanbul Technical University and University Politehnica of Bucharest.
ATHENS offers 1 week intensive course at European universities with technical focus. It is perfect chance to try studying abroad for a short time.
Other Options
Take a look at other study abroad and exchange opportunities all around the world:
Faculty Mobility Programs
Exclusive Mobility Programs managed by the Faculty of Electrical Engineering:
Sungkyunkwan University
Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU) is a private comprehensive research university in South Korea. The institution traces its origins to the historic Sungkyunkwan, founded in 1398 and located in central Seoul. As the foremost educational institution of the Joseon dynasty, it was governed by the great code of the state administration with royal assent. It was restructured as a comprehensive university in the late 19th century, and has since greatly expanded its course offerings. It is widely regarded as one of the most prestigious private universities in South Korea, notable for its numerous influential alumni, strong research output, and close partnership with Samsung. The university spends heavily on research and development, mostly sponsored by Samsung, Hyundai, and government agencies, producing high-end research scientists including chemical engineering professor Park Nam-Gyu, who was nominated for the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 2017 by Clarivate Analytics, and physics professor Lee Young-hee, director of the Center for Integrated Nanostructure Physics in the Institute for Basic Science. Both scientists frequently appear in Nature.
For more information, please, visit the
SKUU website and
- Location: Seoul (Humanities and Social Sciences Campus), Suwon (Natural Sciences Campus), South Korea
- Capacity: up to 5 students per semester
- Duration of study: 1 or 2 semesters
- Type of mobility: credit mobility
- FEE application deadline: October 15, 2023
- SKKU application deadline: October 31, 2023
- Program coordinator:
Dongguk University
Dongguk University is a private, coeducational university in South Korea, based on Buddhism. Established in 1906 as Myeongjin School by Buddhist pioneers of the Association of Buddhism Research, the university gained full university status as Dongguk University in 1953. The university remains one of the few Buddhist-affiliated universities in the world, and is the member of International Association of Buddhist Universities. Situated on a hill near Namsan, the university's Seoul campus is in the urban Jung District of central Seoul. The university's symbol animal is an elephant, which stemmed from Queen Māyā of Sakya's precognitive dream of a white elephant about the birth of The Buddha, and the symbol flower is a lotus blossom which reflects the Buddhist truth. Dongguk University Seoul campus is organised into 127 undergraduate and graduate schools, which enrolled 13,701 undergraduate students and 1,801 graduate students and granted 3,140 bachelor's, 470 master's and 172 doctorate degrees in 2017. Its comprehensive academic programme offers 53 undergraduate majors, together with 59 graduate programmes. The university also operates campuses in Peckham, Gyeongju, and Los Angeles, United States. The university operates two affiliated hospitals of Western medicine, and four of Oriental medicine, a generic term which includes traditional Korean medicine studies.
For more information, please, visit the
Dongguk University website and
- Location: Seoul, South Korea
- Capacity: up to 5 students per semester
- Type of mobility: credit mobility
- Duration of study: 1 or 2 semesters
- FEE application deadline: November 12, 2023
- Dongguk University application deadline: November 30, 2023
- Program coordinator:
Tel Aviv University
Tel Aviv University (TAU) is a public research university in Tel Aviv, Israel. With over 30,000 students, it is the largest university in the country. Located in northwest Tel Aviv, the university is the center of teaching and research of the city, comprising 9 faculties, 17 teaching hospitals, 18 performing arts centers, 27 schools, 106 departments, 340 research centers, and 400 laboratories. Besides being the largest university in Israel, Tel Aviv University is also the largest Jewish university in the world. It originated in 1956 when three education units merged to form the university. The original 170-acre campus was expanded and now makes up 220 acres (89 hectares) in Tel Aviv's Ramat Aviv neighborhood. As of 2021, it is ranked as the 191th best university in the world by THE World University Rankings, 230th by the QS World University Rankings and in the 151-200th bracket by the Shanghai Rankigs.
For more information, please, visit the
TAU website and
- Location: Tel Aviv, Israel
- Capacity: up to 5 students per semester
- Duration of study: 1 or 2 semesters
- Type of mobility: credit mobility
- FEE application deadline: September 22, 2023
- TAU application deadline: October 31, 2023
- Program coordinator:
Federal University of Viçosa
Federal University of Viçosa (FUV) is a Federal University with the main campus located in the city of Viçosa, state of Minas Gerais, Brazil. The university began as the Higher College of Agriculture and Veterinary Science created in 1922 but with classes only beginning in 1927. In 1948 it was transformed into the Rural University of Minas Gerais. It was federalized in 1969 with its present name. This institution is a prestigious university in Brazil. UFV offers 47 different undergrad courses in many areas, including engineering, agronomy, medicine, veterinary medicine, animal husbandry, and other areas related to science. The university has a highly regarded Graduate School as well, offering 36 Master's degree programs and 24 for at PhD level.
For more information, please, visit the
FUV website and
- Location: Viçosa, Minas Gerais, Brazil
- Capacity: up to 2 students per semester
- Duration of study: 1 or 2 semesters
- Type of mobility: credit mobility
- FEE application deadline: November 12, 2023
- FUV application deadline: November 30, 2023
- Program coordinator:
National Technical University of Ukraine "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" –
temporarily unavailable
The National Technical University of Ukraine "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" (NTUU KPI) is a major university in Kyiv, Ukraine. The institute was founded on 31 August 1898 as the Kiev Polytechnic Institute of Emperor Alexander II, but its current building complex was not built until 1902. Until then, the institute was renting out its space at the building of Commercial School located on Vorovsky Street. At that time it had four departments: Mechanical, Chemical, Agricultural, and Civil Engineering. The first enrolment constituted 360 students. The leading Russian scientists Dmitri Mendeleev, Nikolai Zhukovsky and Kliment Arkadyevich Timiryazev gave substantial scientific and organizational assistance in the founding of the institute.
For more information, please, visit the
NTUU KPI website and
- Location: Kyiv, Ukraine
- Capacity: up to 5 students per semester
- Duration of study: flexible
- Type of mobility: credit mobility, research, summer schools, short-term visits
- FEE application deadline: flexible
- NTUU KPI application deadline: flexible
- Program coordinator:
Ukrainian Catholic University –
temporarily unavailable
The Ukrainian Catholic University (UCU) is a Catholic university in Lviv, Ukraine, affiliated with the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church. The Ukrainian Catholic University was the first Catholic university to open on the territory of the former Soviet Union. The university has 1900 students studying in six faculties. Professional degrees are offered in computer science, IT, journalism, business, history and theology.
For more information, please, visit the
UCU website and
- Location: Lviv, Ukraine
- Capacity: up to 5 students per semester
- Duration of study: flexible
- Type of mobility: credit mobility, research, summer schools, short-term visits
- FEE application deadline: flexible
- UCU application deadline: flexible
- Program coordinator:
Stay informed by following International Office of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering on Facebook:
Organizational and administrative support for student mobility and other activities stated in CTU international agreements concerning academic mobility are partially financed from the OP Research, Development and Education of the European Structural Funds, grants no. CZ.02.2.69/0.0/0.0/16_015/0002382 and no. CZ.02.2.69/0.0/0.0/18_056/0013243.
Double Degree Programs
EURECOM Double Degree Program
EURECOM is a French Graduate school and a research center in digital sciences. It is part of the Institut Mines-Télécom and it is a founding member of the SophiaTech Campus in Sophia Antipolis, the largest Science and Technology Information campus in the Alpes-Maritimes. It was created in 1991 as a Groupement d'intérêt économique with French and foreign academic and industrial members. The Institut Mines-Télécom is a founding member of EURECOM consortium. Teaching and research activities of EURECOM are organized around three fields: Digital Security, Communication Systems and Data Science.
For more information, please, visit the
TPU website and
- Location: Sophia Antipolis, France
- Capacity: 1–2 students per year
- Field of study:
- Communication Systems and Networks
- Technology of the Internet of Things
- Program coordinator: doc. Ing. Zdeněk Bečvář, Ph.D.
- Compatible with FEE programs: Electronics and Communications
More information about the program
Double Degree Program with National Taiwan University of Science and Technology
The National Taiwan University of Science and Technology abbreviated as NTUST or Taiwan Tech, is a public technological university located in Taipei, Taiwan. Taiwan Tech was established in 1974 as the National Taiwan Institute of Technology, as the first and the leading higher education institution of its kind within Taiwan's technical and vocational education system. Taiwan Tech is one of Asia's 10th rank as the best institute in science and technology. Taiwan Tech enrolled 5,645 undergraduates and 4,744 graduate students, and employed 414 full-time faculties and about 318 staff members in 2013. The university’s 14 departments and 24 graduate programs are divided into the following 7 colleges, College of Engineering, College of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, School of Management, College of Design, College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences, College of Intellectual Property Studies, and Honors College. Taiwan Tech has five campuses, the Gongguan Campus, located at Daan, situated in the south of Taipei, being the main campus covers an area of approximately 10 hectares (25 acres).
For more information, please, visit the
NTUST website and
- Location: Daan, Taipei, Taiwan
- Capacity: 1–5 students per year
- Field of study: Communications, Multimedia, Electronics
- Program coordinator: doc. Ing. Zdeněk Bečvář, Ph.D.
- Compatible with FEE programs: Electronics and Communications
More information about the program
Double Degree Program with RWTH Aachen University
RWTH Aachen University is a public research university located in Aachen, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. With more than 45,000 students enrolled in 144 study programs, it is the largest technical university in Germany. In 2011, the university accounted for the highest amount of third-party funds of all German universities in both absolute and relative terms per faculty member. In 2007, RWTH Aachen was chosen by the DFG as one of nine German Universities of Excellence for its future concept RWTH 2020: Meeting Global Challenges and additionally won funding for one graduate school and three clusters of excellence. RWTH Aachen is a founding member of IDEA League, a strategic alliance of five leading universities of technology in Europe. The university is also a member of TU9, DFG (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft) and the Top Industrial Managers for Europe network.
For more information, please, visit the
RWTH website and
- Location: Aachen, Germany
- Capacity: 1–5 students per year
- Field of study: see RWTH Aachen website
- Program coordinator: Ing. Jan Havlík, Ph.D.
- Compatible with FEE programs:
- Electrical Engineering, Power Engineering and Management
- Electronics and Communications
- Cybernetics and Robotics
- Open Informatics
- Medical electronics and bioinformatics
- Aerospace Engineering
SpaceMaster Joint Degree Master Course
SpaceMaster IV (2019-2025) is the continuation of the original Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree programs launched in 2004 and implemented by a consortium of leading European universities in close collaboration with research and industrial organizations. The main objective of the Program is to combine the great diversity of space expertise at five universities into a common platform. The educational cooperation is supported by scientific and industrial organisations, thus providing direct contact with professional research and industry. SpaceMaster therefore offers cross-disciplinary, research-oriented education with first-hand and hands-on experience in space science, technology and engineering.
For more information, please, visit the
SpaceMaster website.
- Location:
- Luleå, Sweden
- Espoo, Finland
- Bedford, United Kingdom
- Toulouse, France
- Partner universities:
- Luleå University of Technology, Sweden (Coordinating University)
- Aalto University School of Electrical Engineering
- Cranfield University
- Université Toulouse III - Paul Sabatier
- Capacity: 5–15 students per year
- Field of study: Space Science and Technology
- Program coordinator: Ing. Martin Hlinovský, Ph.D.
- Compatible with FEE programs: Electronics and Communications
More information about the program
95% of FEE students believe that a study stay abroad was beneficial in terms of their further working career!
Source: 2016 Alumni Survey
EuroTeQ Course Catalogue
As part of CTU’s involvement in the international EuroTeQ project, students have the unique opportunity to virtually study selected elective courses at leading technical universities in Europe. The courses offered are taught in English and are available generally online – by distance learning, for students participating in the EuroTeQ project. For each course in the catalogue there is also information about the type of study for which the course is primarily designated.
Other opportunities
Study Abroad Workshop
Every year in mid-autumn vice-dean prof. Ing. Jiří Jakovenko, Ph.D. togather with FEE International Office organize Study Abroad Workshop to present all avilable programs and destination for the current academic year. Unfortunatley, this workshop is streaming in Czech language only, but you can ask or send any question in English. If you have any questions or need further information, advice or assistance, please feel free to contact our team to arrange a personal appointment.
The date and program of the next workshop will be announced there at the beginning of the winter semester.
Complete recordings of this year's and last year's workshops including students' presentations are available on the faculty YouTube channel.