Study and practice abroad

Gain new experiences and discover the world together with the Faculty of Electrical Engineering CTU in Prague!

During a few months of study or work abroad, you will get to know the destination country its traditions and cultuere. You will meet new native friends and discover their mentality. Moreover, you will get many new contacts that will be very usefull for future life. As a result of your study abroad, you will get new experience and skills studyin at the world's prestigious universities, will be able to meet Nobel Prize winners as well as authors of famous textbooks.

Foreign experience will defenetley increase your attractiveness on the labor market. All participants stayed in exotic and well developed countries such as South Korea, US, Israel, UK, Switzerland, France, Germany and many others have their doors wide open to progressive local as wel as international companies. By the way, it is a great opportunity to learn new languages.


Mobility Programs and Study Abroad Offer for CTU Students

Discover the hundreds of destinations and opportunities for study abroad offered by the CTU International Office! Erasmus, Athens and many other programs in the frame of cooperation with the most prestigious institutions from the Europian Union as well as other developed countries will help you to get the best experience for your study, research and future carieer. Dont miss the next deadline!

Erasmus+ Program

Erasmus+ Traineeship Program

Exchange Programmes to Non-European Countries

PhD and Staff Mobility Programs

Athens Programme

Other Options


Faculty Mobility Programs

Exclusive Mobility Programs managed by the Faculty of Electrical Engineering:

Sungkyunkwan University

Dongguk University

Tel Aviv University

Federal University of Viçosa

National Technical University of Ukraine "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute"temporarily unavailable

Ukrainian Catholic Universitytemporarily unavailable

Stay informed by following International Office of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering on Facebook:


Organizational and administrative support for student mobility and other activities stated in CTU international agreements concerning academic mobility are partially financed from the OP Research, Development and Education of the European Structural Funds, grants no. CZ.02.2.69/0.0/0.0/16_015/0002382 and no. CZ.02.2.69/0.0/0.0/18_056/0013243.

Double Degree Programs

EURECOM Double Degree Program

Double Degree Program with National Taiwan University of Science and Technology

Double Degree Program with RWTH Aachen University

SpaceMaster Joint Degree Master Course

95% of FEE students believe that a study stay abroad was beneficial in terms of their further working career!

Source: 2016 Alumni Survey

EuroTeQ Course Catalogue

As part of CTU’s involvement in the international EuroTeQ project, students have the unique opportunity to virtually study selected elective courses at leading technical universities in Europe. The courses offered are taught in English and are available generally online – by distance learning, for students participating in the EuroTeQ project. For each course in the catalogue there is also information about the type of study for which the course is primarily designated.

Other opportunities

Study Abroad Workshop

Every year in mid-autumn vice-dean prof. Ing. Jiří Jakovenko, Ph.D. togather with FEE International Office organize Study Abroad Workshop to present all avilable programs and destination for the current academic year. Unfortunatley, this workshop is streaming in Czech language only, but you can ask or send any question in English. If you have any questions or need further information, advice or assistance, please feel free to contact our team to arrange a personal appointment.

The date and program of the next workshop will be announced there at the beginning of the winter semester.

Complete recordings of this year's and last year's workshops including students' presentations are available on the faculty YouTube channel.


If you have any questions or need further information, advise or assistnace, please feel free to contact International Office team.

Responsible person: Otakar Vlček