Subject description - B0B16ITE

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B0B16ITE Introduction to Economics
Roles:  Extent of teaching:2P+0S
Department:13116 Language of teaching:EN
Guarantors:  Completion:Z
Lecturers:  Credits:2
Tutors:  Semester:L,Z


Basic economic terms, market, law of demand, law of supply, market equilibrium, price regulation, price and income elasticities, consumer's behavior, producer's behavior, cost, revenue, profit, market failure, monopoly, government macroeconomic policy, gross domestic product, money, inflation, banking system, monetary policy, labor market, business cycle, fiscal policy, comparative advantage, introduction to finance, basic financial calculations.

Course outlines:

1. Economic way of thinking. Rational behavior. Opportunity cost and other basic terms.
2. Market. Demand and supply. Price regulation, taxes, subsidies. Elasticities.
3. Consumer's behavior. Marginal values and their importance.
4. Producer's behavior. Cost and revenue. Three basic rules of microeconomics.
5. Producer's behavior. Profit maximization. Perfect competition.
6. Market failure. Pure monopoly, oligopoly, monopolistic competititon.
7. Absolute & Comparative advantage, (International trade).
8. Principles of macroeconomics. Illustration of economic situation - Basic indicators, Diamond.
9. Aggregation, Gross domestic product (GDP) - definition, computation. Expenditures on GDP.
10. Money. Inflation. Banking system. Monetary policy. Fiscal policy.
11. Labor market. Unemployment. Business cycle.
12. Introduction to Finance.
13. Basics of Financial mathematics. Financial calculations.

Exercises outline:


1. Fialova H., J. Jandera: Economics (handouts)
2. Frank R.H., B.S. Bernanke: Principles of Economics, McGraw-Hill, 3.Ed. 2005
3. Fialová, H., Fiala, J.: The Concise Dictionary of Economic Terms, A plus, Praha 2008
4. Richard Brealey, Stewart Myers, Alan Marcus: Fundamentals of Corporate Finance, McGraw-Hill/Irwin, 2011


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Program Branch Role Recommended semester

Page updated 14.3.2025 12:51:33, semester: L/2024-5, L/2025-6, Z/2024-5, Z/2025-6, Send comments about the content to the Administrators of the Academic Programs Proposal and Realization: I. Halaška (K336), J. Novák (K336)