Summary of Study |
Summary of Branches |
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Explanatory Notes
1. | | Sampling, D / A and A / D converters, digital oscilloscope |
2. | | Measurement of voltage and current (digital voltmeter and multimeter, analog measuring instruments) measurement of frequency and phase difference, error and uncertainty, Measurement of effective value, power and energy consumption |
3. | | Resistance measurement, resistance temperature and deformation sensors. Low voltage measurement, thermocouple temperature measurement |
4. | | Magnetic sensors, magnetic measurements, voltage and current transformer Sensors el. Proudu. Impedance measurement |
5 Capacitive and inductive sensors Measurement of linear and angular position - magnetic and optoelectronic sensors
6. | | sensors for measuring speed and speed, sensors and transducers for measuring acceleration. Vibration measurement |
7 Temperature measurement by contact sensors
8. | | Non-contact temperature measurement |
9. | | Measurement of force and pressure. Level measurement |
10. | | Flow and level measurement |
11. | | Measuring systems, sensor buses. Logic analyzer |
12. | | Other measuring instruments, standards of electrical quantities |
13. | | Chemical sensors |
14. | | Repetition, solution of test examples |
1. | | Sampling, D / A and A / D converters, digital oscilloscope |
2. | | Measurement of voltage and current (digital voltmeter and multimeter, analog measuring instruments) measurement of frequency and phase difference, error and uncertainty, Measurement of effective value, power and energy consumption |
3. | | Resistance measurement, resistance temperature and deformation sensors. Low voltage measurement, thermocouple temperature measurement |
4. | | Magnetic sensors, magnetic measurements, voltage and current transformer Sensors el. Proudu. Impedance measurement |
5 Capacitive and inductive sensors Measurement of linear and angular position - magnetic and optoelectronic sensors
6. | | sensors for measuring speed and speed, sensors and transducers for measuring acceleration. Vibration measurement |
7 Temperature measurement by contact sensors
8. | | Non-contact temperature measurement |
9. | | Measurement of force and pressure. Level measurement |
10. | | Flow and level measurement |
11. | | Measuring systems, sensor buses. Logic analyzer |
12. | | Other measuring instruments, standards of electrical quantities |
13. | | Chemical sensors |
14. | | Repetition, solution of test examples |
Course outlines:
Exercises outline:
Northrop, R.B.: Introduction to Instrumentation and Measurements, CRC 2014, 0-8493-3773-9 (k dispozici online na
Kol: návody pro laboratorní úlohy na Moodle
Placko D.: Fundamentals of Instrumentation and Measurement, ISTE 2006, ISBN 1-905209-39-8
Ripka, P., Tipek, A.(ed.): Modern Sensors Handbook. ISTE 2007, ISBN 978-1-905209-66-8
Haasz, V. a kolektiv: Elektrická měření - Přístroje a metody. ČVUT, Praha 2018 (3. vydání) Ripka P. a kol.: Senzory,
electronic learning texts on Moodle
Compulsory participation in the lab. exercises, submission of protocols, 4 tests during the semester.
Written exam followed by a short oral part, in which the evaluation of the test is clarified or additional questions to the test or exam example are asked.
Assessment: work in laboratories 26%, tests during the semester 24%, exam 50%.
Subject is included into these academic programs:
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Page updated 14.3.2025 15:51:22, semester: Z,L/2025-6, Z,L/2024-5, Send comments about the content to the Administrators of the Academic Programs |
Proposal and Realization: I. Halaška (K336), J. Novák (K336) |