Subject description - BV002PT

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BV002PT Practical Typography
Roles:  Extent of teaching:2P
Department:13102 Language of teaching:CS
Guarantors:Brothánek M. Completion:ZK
Lecturers:Brothánek M. Credits:2
Tutors:Brothánek M. Semester:Z

Web page:


The course is aimed at students interested in deeper knowledge of typographic rules, their historical origination and practical meaning. Students can use this information for writing their reports, individual projects and bachelor or master thesis as well as for their own publication activities (proceedings, journals, etc.). The course extends student?s knowledge from other courses e.g. Presentation skills.

Study targets:

The course is aimed at students interested in deeper knowledge of typographic rules, their historical origination and practical meaning. Students can use this information for writing their reports, individual projects and bachelor or master thesis as well as for their own publication activities (proceedings, journals, etc.). The course extends student?s knowledge from other courses e.g. Presentation skills.


1. History of the book printing
2. Printing technology - history and present
3. Fonts
4. The book - structure, type page
5. Rules of line and page breaks
6. Rules of straight composition
7. Rules of straight composition
8. Rules technical composition
9. Difference of foreign-language composition
10. The proof-sheet
11. Job composition, special components
12. Colors, color space, ICC profiles
13. Pre-press

Course outlines:

1. History of the book printing
2. Printing technology - history and present
3. Fonts
4. The book - structure, type page
5. Rules of line and page breaks
6. Rules of straight composition
7. Rules of straight composition
8. Rules technical composition
9. Difference of foreign-language composition
10. The proof-sheet
11. Job composition, special components
12. Colors, color space, ICC profiles
13. Pre-press
14. Reservation

Exercises outline:

no exercises


Kočička, P., Blažek, F., Mohelská, L.: Praktická typografie, Computer Press, 2000. Dvořáková Z.: DTP a předtisková příprava, Computer Press, 2008. Smékal, J.: PostScript a PDF, Grafie CZ, 2002.




typo; presentation

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Page updated 17.2.2025 17:51:28, semester: Z/2025-6, Z,L/2024-5, Send comments about the content to the Administrators of the Academic Programs Proposal and Realization: I. Halaška (K336), J. Novák (K336)