Subject description - BEV002UFL

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BEV002UFL Introduction to Laser Physics
Roles:  Extent of teaching:2P+2L
Department:13102 Language of teaching:EN
Guarantors:Píchal J. Completion:KZ
Lecturers:Píchal J. Credits:4
Tutors:Píchal J. Semester:L


The subject introduces the basics of laser physics. It explains the principle of laser operation, presents basic terms and describes in detail individual types of lasers, including their construction, characterizes the main properties of laser radiation and briefly indicates the possibilities of creating short pulses of radiation. The next part focuses on the use of lasers in various areas of human activity. It also lists safety principles for working with lasers. In the practical part, it is supplemented by visits to top workplaces (e.g. PALS, ELI, HiLASE).

Study targets:

Explain basic terms and principles of laser operation, construction and application.

Course outlines:

1. Gain, population inversion, resonator, modes, etc.
2. Doped insulator lasers.
3. Semiconductor lasers.
4. Atomic and ion gas lasers.
5. Molecular gas lasers.
6. Dye lasers.
7. Properties of laser radiation.
8. Generation of short laser pulses.
9. Applications of lasers.
10. Measurement of lasers and their radiation characteristics.
11. Safety and hygienic problems of laser applications.
12. Lasers in medicine.
13. Holography.
14. Professional laser systems.

Exercises outline:

1. Light as electromagnetic radiation.
2. Optical radiation detection.
3. Use of lasers in medicine I.
4. Construction of lasers.
5. Lasers of Czech Academy of Sciences I. (excursion)
6. Lasers of Czech Academy of Sciences II. (excursion)
7. Properties of lasers I.
8. Properties of lasers II.
9. Measurement of properties of lasers.
10. Application of lasers in industry I. (excursion)
11. Application of lasers in industry II. (excursion)
12. Use of lasers in medicine II. (excursion)
13. Measurement of laser radiation characteristics.
14. Making and reconstruction of holograms.


1. Wilson J., Hawkes J.F.B.: Lasers - Optoelectronics, an introduction, Prentice Hall Europe 1998 (a další vydání)
2. Reider G.A.: Photonik, Springer 1997
3. Hitz C. B., Ewing J., Hecht J.: Introduction to Laser Technology, Publisher: J. Wiley & Sons, (4th ed. 2012)
4. Thyagarajan K., Ghatak A.: Lasers: Fundamentals and Applications, Publisher: Springer; (2nd ed. 2011)
5. Silfvast W. T.: Laser Fundamentals. Publisher: Cambridge University Press; (2nd ed. 2008)
6. Svelto O.: Principles of Lasers. Publisher: Springer, (5th ed. 2010)
7. Milonni P. W., Eberly J. H.: Laser Physics, Wiley, Hoboeken, New Jersey


Knowledge of physics and mathematics from the secondary school. Basic knowledge of the differential and integral calculus of the function of one variable and linear algebra. Presence at the seminars, and the students must obtain minimally 60% of available points in the test.


Laser, radiation, holography.

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Program Branch Role Recommended semester

Page updated 15.3.2025 17:51:04, semester: Z,L/2025-6, Z,L/2024-5, Send comments about the content to the Administrators of the Academic Programs Proposal and Realization: I. Halaška (K336), J. Novák (K336)