Subject description - BE2M32PRSA

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BE2M32PRSA Access Networks
Roles:P Extent of teaching:2P + 2L
Department:13132 Language of teaching:EN
Guarantors:Lafata P. Completion:Z,ZK
Lecturers:Hrad J., Lafata P. Credits:6
Tutors:Hrad J., Jareš P., Lafata P., Zeman T. Semester:Z


The course covers the area of high-speed transmission of information in the access network level, with emphasis on the use of optical transmission media and its combination with metallic lines (FTTx). In the practical part, students will learn the methods required for the design, modeling, measurement and analysis of transmission media, diagnostics of systems and whole access networks.

Study targets:

In the practical part, students will learn the methods required for the design, modeling, measurement and analysis of transmission media, diagnostics of systems and whole access networks.

Course outlines:

1. Access networks. NGA networks. Communication requirements and protocols.
2. Topology and architecture of access networks. Open access network.
3. Features metallic transmission environment, modeling of telecommunication line parameters.
4. Design and manufacture of metallic cables, crosstalk and their modeling.
5. Types of subscriber lines, the used modulation and coding.
6. Information capacity of digital subscriber lines.
7. VDSL2 modems, frequency bands and modulation methods, crosstalk cancelation.
8. System, further expansion of throughput.
9. Optical access networks, network topology and variants FTTx.
10. Passive optical network, medium access control, variants.
11. 10 Gbps and higher optical access network, wavelength divisions multiplex using.
12. Optimization of topology and design of access networks.
13. Data communication over cable television. Topology, options, available parameters.
14. The use of power lines for data transmission, PLC and BPL.

Exercises outline:

1. Introduction to the exercise. Safety in laboratory.
2. Calculation of the theoretical information capacity.
3. Calculation and balance of attenuation.
4. Introduction to the cycle of laboratory exercises.
5. Exercise A - measurements on the line.
6. Exercise B - measurements on VDSL2 line.
7. Exercise C - measurements in passive optical network.
8 Exercise D - measurements on the cable network.
9. Exercise E - throughput analysis and parameter of data stream.
10. Entering the individual project.
11. Solution of the project.
12. Consultation on the project.
13. Presentation and evaluation of the project.
14. Replacement exercise.


Keiser, G.: FTTX Concepts and Applications, Wiley-IEEE Press, 2006. ISBN 978-0-471-70420-1 Kazovsky, L. G. - Cheng, N. - Shaw, W. - Gutierrez, D. - Wong, S.: Broadband Optical Access Networks. Wiley. 2011. ISBN 978-0-470-18235-2


General knowledge of telecommunication networks, eg. ín the scope of subject "Telecommunication Systems and Networks". Welcome knowledge of characteristics of optical fiber and transmission of signals in optical networks.


Access Networks; xDSL; FTTx; NGA; PON; Optical Fiber; Twisted Pair

Subject is included into these academic programs:

Program Branch Role Recommended semester
MEEK5_2018 Communication Systems and Networks P 1

Page updated 10.2.2025 07:51:10, semester: Z/2024-5, Z/2025-6, L/2024-5, Send comments about the content to the Administrators of the Academic Programs Proposal and Realization: I. Halaška (K336), J. Novák (K336)