Subject description - BE2M37KDKA

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BE2M37KDKA Coding in Digital Communications
Roles:PV Extent of teaching:3P+1C
Department:13137 Language of teaching:EN
Guarantors:Sýkora J. Completion:Z,ZK
Lecturers:Sýkora J. Credits:6
Tutors:Sýkora J. Semester:L


This course extends and deepens the topics of the basic communication theory courses in the following main areas. 1) Advanced information theory in coding and Network Information Theory develop a framework for understanding the principles of the channel coding in single-user and multi-node/multi-user scenarios. 2) The algebraic coding presents classical topics of block and convolutional codes. 3) Advanced coding technique focuses on turbo, LDPC, Space-Time codes and Wireless Network Coding. 4) Advanced decoding technique, namely iterative and multi-user decoding is a fundamental tool for decoding capacity approaching channel codes.

Course outlines:

1. Advanced Information Theory in coding (coding theorem, feed-back, erasure, BSC, Outage Capacity)
2. Network Information Theory (1/2) (Rate Regions, Advanced MU Sharing)
3. Network Information Theory (2/2) (Rate Regions, Advanced MU Sharing)
4. Algebraic coding (GF(M^m))
5. Block Codes (cyclic codes)
6. Convolutional Codes (nonrecursive/recursive, polynomial formalism, General Transfer Function)
7. Advanced Coding - Turbo-Codes
8. Advanced Coding - LDPC
9. Iterative Decoding (Soft-In Soft-Out block, Forward-Backward algorithm)
10. Iterative Processing on Factor Graph (FG Sum-Product algorithm)
11. Space-Time Codes - design and performance criteria
12. Space-Time Codes (Block STC, Trellis STC, Layered STC)
13. Multi-User decoding
14. Elements of Wireless Network Coding (WNC, NC)

Exercises outline:

1. Information theory and coding theorem in single user system
2. Information theory and coding theorem in multi user system
3. Adaptive systems
4. Space-time MIMO systems
5. Advanced algorithms for block and convolutional coding
6. Turbo and LDPC coding and iterative decoding
7. Space-time coding


1. T. M. Cover, J. A. Thomas: Elements of Information Theory, John Wiley &Sons, ed.2, 2006
2. J. G. Proakis: Digital Communications. McGraw-Hill. 2001
3. Goldsmith: Wireless communications, Cambridge University Press, 2005



information theory in coding, multiuser networks, advanced coding and decoding, space-time coding and MIMO systems

Subject is included into these academic programs:

Program Branch Role Recommended semester
MEEK6_2018 Mobile Communications PV 2
MEEK4_2018 Technology of the Internet of Things PV 2

Page updated 23.1.2025 09:55:13, semester: Z/2025-6, Z,L/2024-5, Send comments about the content to the Administrators of the Academic Programs Proposal and Realization: I. Halaška (K336), J. Novák (K336)