Subject description - BD1M16VEN

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BD1M16VEN Power and Heat Production
Roles:  Extent of teaching:14KP+6KS
Department:13116 Language of teaching:CS
Guarantors:  Completion:Z,ZK
Lecturers:  Credits:5
Tutors:  Semester:Z

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Power sources overview, energy processes analysis.


Power sources, energy processes, general power plant, power balance and charakteristic curves. Review of energy production technologies (conventional and non conventional) - electricity, steam, hot water, coal, liquid fuels, gas. Power generation stations, their basic parts, their basic operational charakteristic curves and calculations, operation, control. Enviromental effects of power generating and actions of their minimization.

Course outlines:

1. Common power facilities, power balance, charakteristics
2. Stiff energy fuels: clasification, qualities
3. Liquid and gas energy fuels
4. Establishments of electrical energy and heat production, clasification
5. Technological processdes in heat power plants
6. Combustion processes, mass and energy balance
7. Mass and energy balance calculation of steam boiler and mashine room
8. Power plants with gas turbines and steam - gas cycles
9. Nuclear power plants, clasification, nuclear fuel, efficiency and nuclear fuel consumption
10. Biomass sources and utilization
11. Solar radiation, utilization and producing electricity power
12. Water power plants - qualities, charakteristics
13. Wind power plants - qualities, charakteristics
14. Presentation of individual semestral work

Exercises outline:

1. Basic knowledge test
2. Technically-economical indexes (efficiency, consumption ratio, loss ratio) 3.Calculation of stiff energy fuel quality
4. Calculation of liquid and gas energy fuels quality
5. Calculation examples of combustion processes
6. Efficiency calculation of steam boiler by direct and indirect method
7. Mass and energy balance calculation of steam producer - test
8. Water need and consumption calculation of heat power plants
9. Condensation index calculation
10. Calculation of steam - gas cycle
11. Calculation of nuclear fuel - fork ratio, cycle of enrichment
12. Calculation of nuclear fuel consumption
13. Examples of technically - economical calculations of Water power plants
14. Final test


1. Turner, C.: Energy Management Handbook. Lilburn USA, The Fairmont Press 1995
2. Pansini A. J., Smalling K. D.: Guide to Electric Power Generation. Farmont Press 2005.
3. Kiameh P.: Power Generation Handbook. McGraw-Hill 2003.


Subject Power Machinery Equipment or equivalent.

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