Subject description - BD1M16MES
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This course will give an overview of the various aspects of power supply with special emphasis on power management. The course characterises energy costs and marginal costs for determination of prices and tariffs. Energy market principles and operational decision making are integral parts of the course as well.
Course outlines:
1. | | Energy supply and gas supply organisational arrangement |
2. | | Energy policy of the Czech Republic, subjects, policy, regulatory |
3. | | Trade with electricity, energy market |
4. | | Markets of other energy forms |
5. | | Marginal costs and unit revenue of electricity |
6. | | Principles of regulation of price, stariff systems. |
7. | | Energy grid system control, support and system services |
8. | | Market coupling a market splitting, trading international border capacity |
9. | | Demonstrative examples of grid system control and electricity trading. |
10. | | Economical efficiency of power system. |
11. | | New approach of grid system control. |
12. | | Heat energy industry, system aspects |
13. | | Derivates and risk hedging of produce and distribution of electrical energy |
14. | | Summary, reserve |
Exercises outline:
1. | | Electricity and heat production financial and economy study - case study |
2. | | Electricity and heat production financial and economy study - case study |
3. | | Electricity and heat production financial and economy study - case study |
4. | | Electricity and heat production financial and economy study - case study |
5. | | Price analysis of electricity purchase and sale in the CR - case study |
6. | | Price analysis of electricity purchase and sale in the CR - case study |
7. | | Price analysis of gas purchase and sale in the CR - case study |
8. | | Power supply system development - technical-economic case study |
9. | | Power supply system development - technical-economic case study |
10. | | Power supply system development - technical-economic case study |
11. | | Economic evaluation of electricity imports into CR Power Supply System |
12. | | Economic evaluation of electricity imports into CR Power Supply System |
13. | | Specific returns and tariffs of electricity |
14. | | Specific returns and tariffs of electricity |
Chris Harris Electricity: Markets Pricing, Structures and Economics, Wiley, 2006
Steven Stoft: Power System Economics-Designing Markets for Electricity
Morales, Conejo, Madsen, Pinson, Zugno: Integrating Renewables in Electricity Markets, Springer, 2014
Paoli L.:The electricity industry in transition. Organization, Regulation and Ownership in EU Member states. FrancoAngeli 2001.
Pfaffenberger W.: Electricity Market Reform. Elsevier 2006.
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Page updated 10.2.2025 07:51:10, semester: Z/2024-5, Z/2025-6, L/2024-5, Send comments about the content to the Administrators of the Academic Programs |
Proposal and Realization: I. Halaška (K336), J. Novák (K336) |