Subject description - BE1M13VES
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Technology of electric components in general. Basic technology in use. Type of components: resistors, potentiometers, capacitors with foil dielectric. Ceramic and electrolytic capacitors. Electromechanical devices . Semiconductors, fabrication of vertical and horizontal structures. Packaging.
Study targets:
A student are well-educated of technology of electric components, properties of fundamental electronic devices and their quality testing methods
Course outlines:
1. | | Components used in electrical or electronics circuits. |
2. | | Identification of electronic components. Standards of nominal values. |
3. | | Resistors, Power resistors. |
4. | | Nonlinear resistors, potentiometers. |
5. | | Capacitors - roll-type, ceramic, electrolytic. |
6. | | Inductance devices, HF coils, chokes, transformers. |
7. | | Power inductance HF devices, chokes. Power filters |
8. | | Switches, connectors |
9. | | Electromechanical devices, relay, |
10. | | Batteries and storage cells |
11. | | Lines. Distributed parameter devices. |
12. | | Semiconductor device design, fabrication of structures. |
13. | | Survey of modern semiconductor devices and IO technologies. |
14. | | Packaging and connecting of devices. |
Exercises outline:
1. | | Safety in laboratories. Instruction about lab. measurements - group 1. |
2. | | Instruction about lab. measurements - group 1. |
3. | | Nonlinear resistors |
4. | | Ferroelectric capacitors. |
5. | | HF coils |
6. | | Resistor and capacitors characteristics at HF |
7. | | Power pulse transformer. |
8. | | Instruction about lab. measurements - group 2. |
9. | | Relay, electric contacts. |
10. | | Distributed parameter lines. |
11. | | Active semiconductor devices. |
12. | | Electronic components mounting 1 |
13. | | Electronic components mounting 2 |
14. | | Evaluation of lab. reports. A credit. |
1. | | Horn, Delton T.: Electronic Components: A complete reference for project builders. Blue Ridge - TAB Books, 1992 |
The credit reguirements: seminar presentation, one protokol of labs and the student must obtain minimally 50 % of avaliable points in the tests.
electronic components, manufacturing
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Page updated 10.3.2025 17:51:15, semester: Z,L/2024-5, Z/2025-6, Send comments about the content to the Administrators of the Academic Programs |
Proposal and Realization: I. Halaška (K336), J. Novák (K336) |