Subject description - BD1M14SSE

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BD1M14SSE Machinery and Structures of Power Plants
Roles:P Extent of teaching:14KP+6KC
Department:13114 Language of teaching:CS
Guarantors:Kočárník P. Completion:Z,ZK
Lecturers:Kočárník P. Credits:5
Tutors:Kočárník P. Semester:Z

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The aim of the course is to acquaint students with forms of energy transformation in power plants, describing the function of power facilities, their structure, properties and characteristics.

Course outlines:

1. Balance of energy conversion chains in power engineering
2. Thermodynamics of real gases and vapours, computational charts and programs
3. Thermodynamic power cycles, possibility of efficiency increasing
4. Steam turbines for classical and nuclear power stations, structures, characteristics, function
5. Combustion turbines and microturbines, structures, characteristics, function
6. Heat exchangers and steam generators
7. Hydrodynamics of real turbines
8. Conduit (pipelines) systems
9. Models and function of boiler (steam generator)
10. Combined gas-vapour power cycles
11. Turbines for hydraulic power stations, characteristics, function for different heads of water and installed powers
12. Characteristics of auxiliary equipment (hydraulic pumps, valves, hydraulic servomechanisms)
13. Machinery components of disperse sources
14. Modern combustion systems and ecology

Exercises outline:

1. Heat transfer and work in thermal processes
2. Processes in water steam, application of thermal diagrams
3. Qualitative evaluation of most important energetic transformation
4. Work , power and thermal efficiency of steam turbines cycles, regulation of the power
5. Work , power and thermal efficiency of gas turbines
6. Heat exchanger behaviour in thermodynamic power cycles
7. Calculation of velocities and pressures in hydraulic systems with losses
8. Characteristics of hydraulic systems for fluid and gas transport
9. Basic types boilers behaviour, regulation of the power
10. Calculation of work, power and thermal efficiency of gas-vapour power cycles
11. Energy balance of basic types water turbines, cavitation
12. Operational point of the pump, hydraulic system regulation, energy saving due to speed regulation
13. Basic calculation of wind engine
14. Clean coal technology, balance of gas-vapour power cycle Vřesová


1. Moran, M.,J., Shapiro, H.,N.: Fundamentals of Engineering Thermodynamics. Wiley, 2008.
2. Cengel,Z., Boles, M.,A.: Thermodynamics An Engineering Approach. McGraw-Hill, 2005.
3. Aungier, R.,H.: Turbine Aerodynamics. ASME, 2006.


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