Subject description - B6B38ZPS

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B6B38ZPS Basics of Computer Systems
Roles:P Extent of teaching:4P+2L+2D
Department:13138 Language of teaching:CS
Guarantors:Novák J. Completion:Z,ZK
Lecturers:Novák J. Credits:6
Tutors:Too many persons Semester:Z

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The first topic introduces students to the basic concepts of computer technology and computer networks. The following lectures are focused on digital technology, internal structure and function of the processor and its instruction set. Common and special architectures and specialized instruction sets, ways to increase processor performance and their limits will be introduced. The computer architecture description, memories and their categorization in terms of functional principles and application use will be based on this knowledge. The following lectures are focused on getting acquainted with operating systems, multitasking, inter-process communication and synchronization, resource management and virtualization. The next lecture will deal with the computer networks - first in general (OSI model) and then more specifically with an introduction to TCP / IP protocols. Further the disk (mass storage) subsystem will be described in more detail, including disk partitioning, file systems, and access rights. Finally the basics of electronics and optoelectronics, typical problems motivating students to further deepen their knowledge in this area through self-study will be introduced.

Study targets:

The goals of the course is to provide basic knowledge in : - Electronics - Combinatorial and sequential circuits - Microprocessor architecture, instruction set - Computer architecture, memories, peripherals - Operating systems - Computer networks


The first topic introduces students to the basic concepts of computer technology and computer networks. The following lectures are focused on digital technology, internal structure and function of the processor and its instruction set. Common and special architectures and specialized instruction sets, ways to increase processor performance and their limits will be introduced. The computer architecture description, memories and their categorization in terms of functional principles and application use will be based on this knowledge. The following lectures are focused on getting acquainted with operating systems, multitasking, inter-process communication and synchronization, resource management and virtualization. The next lecture will deal with the computer networks - first in general (OSI model) and then more specifically with an introduction to TCP / IP protocols. Further the disk (mass storage) subsystem will be described in more detail, including disk partitioning, file systems, and access rights. Finally the basics of electronics and optoelectronics, typical problems motivating students to further deepen their knowledge in this area through self-study will be introduced. Seminars are focused on practical application of the lectured material, some of them will take place "at the blackboard", some on computers in the computer lab. In the second part, four laboratory exercises are planned, where students will independently test the ability to work with a computer system and learn to analyze some of its functions, especially communication with the outside environment, using appropriate tools. At the end, one exercise is reserved for an excursion to the data center. It will focus on both the computer systems themselves and on supporting technologies (power supply, air conditioning, component condition monitoring, etc.). An integral part of the course is students' homework during the semester. It will be focused on the practice of knowledge and procedures acquired in seminars, as well as on the processing of four reports on the course and results of laboratory measurements.

Course outlines:

1. Introduction, global computer networks, computers and Internet, applications
2. Binary logic, logic value representation, logic functions, description forms, minimization
3. Combinatorial and sequential logic circuits, hazards
4. Data representation in computers, fixed and floating point number arithmetic
5. Processor architecture, instruction cycle, instruction set, registers, interrupt, DMA
6. Memories, peripheral devices
7. Operating systems, multitasking, synchronization, inter-process communication
8. Computer networks - OSI model, internetworking, TCP/IP basics
9. Resource management, virtualization, access rights
10. Disk system, partitioning, file systems, access rights
11. Electric current (direct, alternate), electrical circuits, sources and sinks
12. Electric signal, time and frequency domains, electromagnetic phenomena, EMC
13. Computer interfaces
14. Reserved

Exercises outline:

1. Introduction, Internet in a nutshell - seminar
2. Arithmetic operations with binary and hexadecimal numbers - seminar
3. Logic functions, combinatorial logic circuits - seminar
4. Sequential logic circuits - seminar
5. Building blocks of computer, OS GNU/Linux installation and configuration - seminar
6. GNU/Linux system, shell - seminar
7. Processes, inter-process communication and synchronization - seminar
8. Disk subsystem, memory management and virtualization - seminar
9. FPGA programming - laboratory exercise
10. Wireless network coverage planning (WiFi) - laboratory exercise
11. Network communication analysis (Wireshark) - laboratory exercise
12. Optimization of embedded application performance - laboratory exercise
13. Data center excursion
14. Reserved, assessments


1. Antošová M., Davídek V.: Číslicová technika, Kopp 2003.
2. Boháč, L.,Bezpalec, P. Komunikace v datových sítích. 1. vyd. Praha. Nakl. ČVUT, 2010.


Mathematics and physics (high school level), calculus is an advantage.


electronics, microprocessor, computer, hardware

Subject is included into these academic programs:

Program Branch Role Recommended semester
BPSIT_2021 Common courses P 1
BPSIT4_2021 Technologie internetu věcí P 1
BPSIT3_2021 Business informatics P 1
BPSIT2_2021 Technologie pro multimédia a virtuální realitu P 1
BPSIT1_2021 Enterprise systémy P 1
BPSIT Common courses P 1

Page updated 26.1.2025 15:51:13, semester: Z,L/2024-5, Z/2025-6, Send comments about the content to the Administrators of the Academic Programs Proposal and Realization: I. Halaška (K336), J. Novák (K336)