Subject description - AE3M38PRS

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AE3M38PRS Airborne Monitoring and Control Systems
Roles:  Extent of teaching:2P+2L
Department:13138 Language of teaching:EN
Guarantors:  Completion:Z,ZK
Lecturers:  Credits:5
Tutors:  Semester:L

Web page:


The course is designed for students of Aeronautics and Astronautics field of study. It provides detailed knowledge about airborne monitoring and control systems used on boards of aircrafts and spacecrafts. We cover subjects such as sensors, control and systems including: GPWS, ISN, FADEC, and EEC with important relation and trade-off problems. Full automatic monitoring and control systems of aircrafts' and spacecrafts ' propulsions wit aim on failure detection, isolation and recovery are taught together with problems introduced by the whole hierarchical structures of these systems and their digital networks. Partially it focuses on types of flight simulators and unmanned aerial vehicles, and military applications. The exercises allow students to create data fusion algorithms during hands-on experiments with wireless Attitude Heading and Reference System (AHRS) and a model of a satellite.

Study targets:

Students get familiar with functions at the modern, complex electronic systems and the principle of internal data processing focused on problem solving - SW and electronics faults. The subject covers certification issues of complex systems by an external authority (EASA, FAA, ESA, ... ). Exercises provide hands-on experiments targeted on AHRS data processing and design of a control algorithm for a small satellite.

Course outlines:

1) Analog and digital airborne monitoring systems and their hierarchical structures
2) Principles and methods for assuring the safety of the airborne systems and subsystems
3) Methods and means for avionic systems programming
4) Avionics systems and their software certification procedures
5) Means and subsystems of aircraft and spacecraft monitoring systems
6) Propulsion automatic control systems (FADEC, EEC etc.)
7) Flight data recorders
8) Primary and secondary airborne displays and their usage with EFIS, ECAM, EICAS, GPWS
9) Inertial navigation systems (INS) - principles, types and sensors
10) INS integration into control systems
11) Systems of unmanned aerial vehicles and small aircrafts
12) Principles and systems for a crew training
13) Systems of military aircrafts and satellites
14) Future of aircraft systems

Exercises outline:

1) Introduction, content, homework assignment.
2) Introduction into the instrument development engine.
3) Practicing programing techniques in C and MS Visual Studio.
4) Presentation of the first part of the individual assignment.
5) Laboratory measurement - set of tasks - consultation - Measurement with an AHRS unit.
6) Laboratory measurement - set of tasks - consultation - Gyro magnetic compass.
7) Laboratory measurement - set of tasks - consultation - Aero metrical instruments.
8) Laboratory measurement - set of tasks - consultation - Vibration measurement system.
9) Laboratory measurement - set of tasks - consultation - Stabilization of a small satellite.
10) Individual assignments consultation - visit.
11) First attempt to deliver individual assignments - presentation of measurement results.
12) Individual assignments consultation - visit.
13) Second attempt to deliver individual assignments - presentation of measurement results.
14) Creditation
Description of the electronic units used for exercises is available at:


1. Davies, M.: The standard handbook for aeronautical and astronautical engineers. McGRAW-HILL 2002
2. Fortescu, P., Stark, J., Swinerd, G.: Spacecraft Systems Engineering. John Wiley&Sons, Ltd. 2003
3. Moir, I., Seabridge, A.: Aircraft systems. John Wiley&Sons, Ltd. 2008
4. Spitzer, C.R.: Avionics development and implementation. CRC Press 2007
5. Lewis, Stevens: Aircraft control and simulation. Willey New York, 1992
6. McRuer, Ashkenas, Graham.: Aircraf dynamics and automatic control. Princeton University Press Princeton, 1990
7. Nelson, R., C.: Flight Stability and Automatic Control, McGraw-Hill, 1989, 1998 ISBN: 0-07-046273
8. CanAerospace -
9. MSDN -
10. Simulace chování leteckých přístrojů -
11. Web page CZ:
12. Web page EN:


The problems covered by this subject expect the student to know: - basics of Matlab - basics of algoritmization - basics of C language



Systems, Failure Detection Isolation and Recovery, FDIR, Ground Proximity Warning System, GPWS, Inertial Measurement System, INS, Attitude Heading and Reference System, AHRS, Electronic Engine Control, EEC, Full Authority Digital Engine Control, FADEC, Data Fusion, Control

Subject is included into these academic programs:

Program Branch Role Recommended semester

Page updated 14.3.2025 14:51:46, semester: Z,L/2024-5, Z,L/2025-6, Send comments about the content to the Administrators of the Academic Programs Proposal and Realization: I. Halaška (K336), J. Novák (K336)