Subject description - A0M38KTE

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A0M38KTE Space Engineering and Technology
Roles:  Extent of teaching:2P+0C
Department:13138 Language of teaching:CS
Guarantors:  Completion:ZK
Lecturers:  Credits:4
Tutors:  Semester:L

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The subject deals with technical means for the space research. In general part is explained space flight physics starting from the rocket launch through satellite movement during inertial flight in the Earth orbit, interplanetary space and landing. In the next lectures are addressed space environment specifics in particular vacuum and radiation environment. Space technology uses different techniques in the design, manufacture and verification of the space equipment. The requirements are determined in the European Space Standard system and lectures are dealing with the space project management in accordance with these rules. Finally the overview of the space activities in the ESA and other national space agencies is presented.

Course outlines:

1. Rocket flight dynamics; overview of instrumentation; launcher and launch complexes, landing modules
2. Spacecraft flight dynamics; Earth gravity field; influence of other solar system bodies
3. Movement in the gravity field of several bodies; interplanetary flights
4. Specifics of the space environment; vacuum, radiation, temperature and mechanical loads
5. Space weather - solar activity, space and time variability of space environment
6. Specifics of the space project management; space product assurance
7. Reliability of the space equipment; European system of the space standards, ECSS
8. System engineering; space equipment design, development and manufacturing rules
9. Specific requirements for the software development; comparison of SW and HW development phases
10. Verification and testing of the space equipment in accordance with space standards
11. Ground equipment for the space projects; space project data processing and storage
12. The European Space Agency; NASA, JAXA; Industry role in the space research
13. Space stations, microgravity research, manned flights

Exercises outline:


1. Fundamentals of Astrodynamics and Applications, D.A.Vallado, 2007, Microcosm Press
2. Spacecraft System Engineering (3rd Edition), 2003, John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
3. The Space Environment: Implications for Spacecraft Design, Alan C. Tribble, 2003 Princeton University press
4. ESA Management Manual, Issue 1.0, October 2000, ESTEC, Netherlands
5. ECSS Standard System, 2009, European Cooperation for Space Standardization,


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Page updated 14.3.2025 15:51:22, semester: Z,L/2025-6, Z,L/2024-5, Send comments about the content to the Administrators of the Academic Programs Proposal and Realization: I. Halaška (K336), J. Novák (K336)