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The course deals with a theory and description of basic functions, structures and principles of aircraft and spacecraft instrumentation working in a low-frequency band. Within the scope of this course it is possible to get knowledge about cockpit equipment, propulsion parameters measurements, aerometrical systems, and fuselage health monitoring systems. Furthermore, gyroscopic systems and systems for navigation are also covered. Laboratory exercises are orientated to get practical sense about theoretically learned knowledge about aircraft instrumentation.
Course outlines:
1. | | Aircraft and spacecraft instrumentation; cockpit equipment, electromagnetic compatibility |
2. | | Aircraft power systems, energy systems on spacecrafts and satellites |
3. | | Parameters definition of screw, jet, and rocket propulsions, revolution measurement |
4. | | Pressure and temperature measurements on aircraft and spacecraft propulsions. Anti-ice systems. Fire annunciators.5. Torque, fuel used and fuel flow, and engine vibration measurement |
6. | | Complex system for engine parameters measurements |
7. | | Fuel systems, measurement of total and critical amount of fuel |
8. | | Barometrical and inertial measurements of altitude. Altimeters and their constructions. Standard atmosphere. |
9. | | Air and vertical speed measurements, Mach-number measurement, machmeters and variometer constructions. |
10. | | Aerometrical data computer, process of data calculation,aerometrical sensors. |
11. | | Mechanical gyroscopes. Gyro-horizon, correction system. Rate-of-turn indicator. |
12. | | Earth magnetic field and its usage in aeronautics and astronautics, magnetic compass. Satellite stabilization. |
13. | | Construction of spacecraft instrumentation, tribology, temperature balance, degassing |
Exercises outline:
Laboratorní cvičení v rámci první poloviny semestru budou zaměřena na praktická ověření základních principů letecké přístrojové techniky, dílčích subsystémů a senzoriky a metod vyhodnocení systémových dat. V rámci druhé poloviny budou vytvořeny skupiny studentů po 2-3, které následně budou řešit úlohy z oblasti vyučované látky. Na úloze budou pracovat společně s cvičícím tak, aby na konci semestru mohli prezentovat řešení formou krátké prezentace (cca 10 min.). V rámci cvičení budou rovněž organizovány exkurze.
1. | | Pallet, E.H.J.: Aircraft instruments and integrated |
systems. Longman 1992
2. | | Davies, M.: The standard handbook for aeronautical and |
astronautical engineers. McGRAW-HILL 2002
3. | | Fortescu, P., Stark, J., Swinerd, G.: Spacecraft Systems |
Engineering. John Wiley&Sons, Ltd. 2003
4. | | Helfrick, A: Principles of Avionics. Avionics |
Communications Inc. 2004
5. | | Moir, I., Seabridge, A.: Aircraft systems. John Wiley& |
Sons, Ltd. 2008
6. | | Spitzer, C. R.: Avionics development and implementation. |
CRC Press 2007
Instrumentation, spacecraft, aircraft
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Page updated 14.3.2025 14:51:46, semester: Z,L/2024-5, Z,L/2025-6, Send comments about the content to the Administrators of the Academic Programs |
Proposal and Realization: I. Halaška (K336), J. Novák (K336) |