Subject description - AE0M13TKS

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AE0M13TKS Technology of Cables and Optical waveguides
Roles:  Extent of teaching:2P+2L
Department:13113 Language of teaching:EN
Guarantors:  Completion:Z,ZK
Lecturers:  Credits:5
Tutors:  Semester:L

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- Cable engineering-materials,machines and production methods - The engineering and properties of metal cables - The technology and properties of optical fibres and cables - The fibre connectors evaluation - Ending end branching of power cables - The power cables and optical fibres diagnostics

Course outlines:

1. Basic characteristics of production of cables, types of cables
2. Main technological operations for cables production
3. Machines and equipment for production of cables
4. Production of metal wires for cables
5. Technology of processing of insulating and dielectric parts
6. Construction and properties of low voltage and high voltage power cables
7. Theoretical analysis of power cables of different types
8. Technology of minimization of partial discharges for high voltage cables
9. Construction and properties of low frequency telecommunication cables
10. Construction and properties of high frequency cables
11. Construction and properties of optical waveguides
12. Shielding, ending and joining of metallic and optical cables
13. Cable sets, installation of cables
14. System of quality assurance, measurement and control of parameters

Exercises outline:

1. Introduction. Information about the first group of measurements
2. Measurements of insul. properties and control el. resistivity of power cables
3. Joining of Cu and Al conductors
4. Measurement of partial discharges of High voltage cables
5. Modeling of a real course of electrical field of a power cable
6. Production of conductors and power cables - video
7. Visit of an enterprise producing cables - basic production steps
8. Visit of a production enterprise - production of polymer high voltage cables
9. Information about the second group of measurements
10. Ending of cables
11. Measurement of characteristic parameters of different types of cables
12. Calculation and modeling of parameters of telecommunication cables
13. Measurement of radial course of breakdown index of optical waveguides
14. Production of telecommunication and optical cables - video. A credit


[1] Heinhold,l.:Power Cables and their
Application,Siemens Aktiengesellschaft Berlin,1990
[2] Filka,M.:Optoelectronics for
Telecomunications and Informatics,2009 [3]Slaninka,P.:The theory of power cables, SVŠT,Bratislava,1989
[4] Wanser,G.,Wiznerowicz,F:Eigenschaften
von Energiekabeln und deren Messungen, VWEW,Frankfurt am Main,1990
[5] Sing Jasprit:Optoelectronics in Introduction to Materials and Devices,McGraw-Hill Comp..N.Y.1996
[6] Koblizek,V.:Technological Operations,
Laboratory exercises,Part 2,CTU,Praha 2004


A student has to obtain credit before examination.

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