Subject description - A0M38MAP

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A0M38MAP Magnetic Elements and Magnetic Measurements
Roles:  Extent of teaching:2+2L
Department:13138 Language of teaching:CS
Guarantors:  Completion:Z,ZK
Lecturers:  Credits:5
Tutors:  Semester:Z

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Measurement of magnetic field, NMR. Typical soft and hard magnetic materials. Measurement of properties of soft and hard magnetic materials. DC and AC magnetised circuits, circuits with permanent magnet. Current and voltage instrument transformers, current comparators. Sources of magnetic field. Magnetic shielding.

Course outlines:

1. Magnetism - quantities, units, rules
2. Measurement of magnetic field in air
3. Ferromagnetic materials - sorts, properties, modes of magnetising
4. Ferrite magnetic elements - properties, applications
5. Measurement of soft magnetic material at DC magnetising
6. Measurement of soft magnetic material at AC magnetising
7. Measurement of hard magnetic material
8. Measurement of other magnetic parameters
9. Design of small mains and pulse transformers
10. Instrument transformers, current probes and comparators
11. Magnetic circuits with permanent magnet
12. Magnetic actuators - electromagnets, relays, stepper motors
13. Standards of magnetic quantities, magnetic shielding

Exercises outline:

1. Introduction
2. Measurement of shielding factor in DC magnetic field
3. Measurement of shielding factor in AC magnetic field
4. Measurement of Curie temperature
5. Determination of parameters of hard magnetic materials
6. Determination and extending of frequency range of induction coils
7. Measuring system for hard magnetic material
8. Measurement of complex permeability
9. Measurement of dynamic hysteresis loop
10. Calculation and measurement of leakage factor
11. Foerster - type coercimeter
12. Calibration of fluxmeters
13. Discussion of results, assessments


1. Ripka, P. et al.: Magnetic Sensors and Magnetometers. Artech House, Boston-London 2001, ISBN 1-58053-057-5
2. Jiles, D.: Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. London: Chapman & Hall, 1996



magnetic field, ferromagnetic material, magnetic measurements, magnetic elements, magnetic shielding

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Page updated 14.3.2025 15:51:22, semester: Z,L/2025-6, Z,L/2024-5, Send comments about the content to the Administrators of the Academic Programs Proposal and Realization: I. Halaška (K336), J. Novák (K336)