Subject description - A1M16PPP

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A1M16PPP Business Law II
Roles:  Extent of teaching:3+1s
Department:13116 Language of teaching:CS
Guarantors:  Completion:Z
Lecturers:  Credits:4
Tutors:  Semester:L

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Introduction to constitutional system in the Czech Republic. Introduction to general Eu structure, legal system of European Union. Administrative Law and administrative procedure. Administrative justice and execution of the administrative decisions. Introduction to building regulation - basic concepts, rights and duties of the parts, material and local competency of administrative bodies, public control. Introduction to copyright law - basic concepts, copyright obligation relationships, physical and legal entities, public control. Introduction to Criminal Law - basic Concepts, rights and duties legal remedies, public control. International Law protection in criminal law matters, the territorial principle in European Union, execution of the decisions, extradition.

Course outlines:

1. Intro to Constitution System. The Constitution of CR, Charter of Fund. Rights and Basic Freedoms, Public and Private Intl Law, Enforcement of Intl Treaties.
2. Intro to legal system of EU. Legal System of EU, legal liability and enforcement of EU decisions.
3. Intro to Admin. Law. Basic Concepts, Public Admin. Bodies and local Authority Bodies direct and delegate competency, Competency of admin. bodies, gen. and spec. cond. for exercise of public power.
4. Administrative procedure. Character and conditions of admin. decision, procedural position of parts, legal remedies, execution of admin. decisions.
5. Intro to Building Regulations(BR). Character and Conditions for application of BR, position of legal subjects, liability and execution of decisions made by constr. administration, legal remedies.
6. Intro to Copyright law (CL). Character and Conditions of CL, subjects and objects of CL
7. Administration of CL. Registr. places, authoriz. of subjects to exercise copyrights.
8. Types of Contracts. Legal Regulation of Contracts, legal subjects, Contents, oblig. and facult. contr. appurtenances.
9. Intro to Criminal Law. Basic Terms, material and local competency, criminal proceedings, bodies responsible for penal proceedings, presumption of innocence, procedural position of the accused, defendant and of convicted person, legal remedies, intl arrest warrant, extradition
10. Selected criminal matters. Subj. and obj. part of criminal offence, offences against property, protection of Intell. Property, enforcement of Law and execution proceedings in CR and EU.
11. Intro to Admin. Justice. Basic Concepts, legal subjects, rights and duties, legal remedies, public control.
12. Exercise of Admin. Court ´s decisions. Appurtenances of court´s decisions, types of execution decisions, prejudice of the judges, ex tunc and ex nunc effects.
13. Intl Protection of Human Rights and Freedoms. Legal Reg. of Intl Treaties, legal subjects, Content, Enforcement, specif. of EU Members.
14. Reserve.

Exercises outline:

1. Administrative Law. Seminar - analysis of administrative decisions, Creation of legal remedies, administrative decision outside appellate procedure, decision concerning execution of administrative act.
2. Building regulation. Training - elaboration of proposition concerning change of planning permission appellation against instigation of proceedings to remove unlicensed construction, proposition of removing of unwanted stage, approval procedure.
3. Copyright Law. Seminar - elaboration of copyright contract, analysis of author-publisher contract, copyright contract for creation of software.
4. Criminal Law. Seminar - elaboration of legal remedies, complaint against opening of criminal prosecution, legal grounds for appellate procedure.
5. Criminal Law. Training - elaboration of the complaint against opening of criminal prosecution, constitutional complaint, complaint on breach of the law.
6. Administrative Justice. Seminar - appurtenance of administration action, legal remedies.
7. Solving of Disputes concerning protection of person and property. Training - elaboration of complaint of breach of the human right and freedoms, appurtenances of pleadings, procedure regulations for acceptance and refusing of pleadings.


1. Slorach cott J. :Business Law, Oxford University Press,2008, ISBN 9780199542291
2. Richard W. Corman Scholar: Business Law, Oxford Univesity Press, 2008



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