Subject description - AD1M16MAR

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AD1M16MAR Marketing
Roles:  Extent of teaching:14+6s
Department:13116 Language of teaching:CS
Guarantors:  Completion:Z,ZK
Lecturers:  Credits:5
Tutors:  Semester:Z

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The role and functions of the marketing management. Marketing research and marketing information system. Concepts of marketing strategy. The use of product life cycle and portfolio. Marketing-mix. Product and service policy, pricing and contractation policy, communication, distribution. Controlling and audit.

Course outlines:

1. Management and marketing
2. The marketing concept of the management in the firm
3. Marketing research
4. The behaviour of demand side and the market segmentation
5. Analisis of portfolio and product life cycle
6. The strategy product/market
7. Product, assortment and service policy
8. Innovation, differentiation, variation
9. Contractation policy, pricing
10. Communication policy - publicity, advertising etc.
11. The choice of distribution channels and sales
12. The choice of marketing strategies
13. Marketing-mix
14. The role and organisation of marketing in the firm

Exercises outline:

1. Managerial circle, management tools
2. Management concept, marketing concept
3. Marketing research - forms and methods
4. The choice of research methods
5. Inquiring, results evaluation
6. Strength/weakness analysis
7. The product life cycle
8. Product portfolio
9. The firm`s assortment policy
10. Pricing
11. The choice of advertising media
12. Marketing strategy, marketing-mix
13. Final test
14. Evaluation, credit


1. Kotler, P.: Marketing Management. Prentice-Hall Inc. 2010
2. Randall, G.: Principles of Marketing, Thomson Learning 2001



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