Subject description - AD2B13PEL

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AD2B13PEL Industrial Electrical Engineering
Roles:  Extent of teaching:14KP+6KL
Department:13113 Language of teaching:CS
Guarantors:  Completion:Z,ZK
Lecturers:  Credits:5
Tutors:  Semester:Z

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A student will, at first, meet with information about basic types of materials for electrical engineering, their properties, technologies and applications. The next task is focused on the fundamentals, function and service characteristics of transformers, power electronic converters, generators, DC and AC motors and contact electric apparatus. The problems are tested on the mains supply real units. The third part of the course deals with power electrical engineering, with the basic characteristic of a power system in the Czech Rep. and with types, operational modes and environmental impact of different types of power sources.

Study targets:

Student will learn basic types of materials for electrical production, basic types of electrical machines, apparatusses and drivers and with basic types of power stations and distribution nets.

Course outlines:

1. Conductive and superconductive properties of materials, conductors, superconductors and their selected applications.
2. Dielectric and insulating properties of materials, dilectric and insualting materials used in electrical engineering. Dielectric and HF heating.
3. Semiconductive properties of materials, basic types of semiconductors. Production and processing of single-crystals, IO technology, chips bonding.
4. Magnetic properties of materials and basic magnetic materials for electrical engineering. Thin and thick films.
5. Lasers and laser technologies.
6. Technology based on electron beam - lithography, machining, welding.
7. Electric energy sources. Transformers, rectifiers.
8. DC motors with mechanical and electronic commutation.
9. Induction and synchronous motors and generators.
10. Electric apparatus. DC and AC circuits switching.
11. Contemporary state and the strategy of power engineering development. Fundamentals of the power legislation.
12. Structure and operational characteristics of the power system in CR. Systems for transmission and distribution of electric power.
13. Structure and operational characteristics of power plants (thermal, hydroelectric, nuclear, alternative power plant).
14. Operational modes of power sources, their influence on the environment.

Exercises outline:

1. Work safety at laboratory. Presentation of laboratory tasks.
2. Properties of semiconducting Si.
3. Measurement of anizotropy of transformer sheets.
4. Joining of power cables.¨
5. Soft soldering in electrical engineering.
6. Full-wave bridge rectifier at R , RL load.
7. Separately excited DC motor. Permanent magnet brushless DC motor.
8. Induction motor supplied by network and by frequency converter.
9. Contactor circuit control of induction motor
10. Daily load diagram covering.
11. Steady states calculations in the systems.
12. Balance calculations in power plants.
13. Excursion to a power plant.
14. Assessment.


1. Bruce, R. G. et al.: Modern Materials and Manufacturing Processes, Prentice Hall, 2003
2. Brown, W. D.: Advanced Electronic Packaging, IEEE Press, 1998
3. Weedy B. M.: Electric Power System, 1992
4. Stephen, J. C.: Electric machinery fundamentals, Mc. Graw - Hil publishing Co., 1985


Active attendance and accomplishment of tasks at tutorials are necessary conditions for award an assessment. A student must get an assessment before an examination. A knowledge of a lectured and tutorial matters will be required at examination.


Conductor, insulator, superconductor, electric machine, driver, power plant, power net

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Program Branch Role Recommended semester

Page updated 15.3.2025 14:54:58, semester: Z,L/2025-6, Z,L/2024-5, Send comments about the content to the Administrators of the Academic Programs Proposal and Realization: I. Halaška (K336), J. Novák (K336)