Subject description - B4M36ISS

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B4M36ISS Integration of Enterprise Software System Services
Roles:  Extent of teaching:0P+20C
Department:13136 Language of teaching:CS
Guarantors:  Completion:KZ
Lecturers:  Credits:4
Tutors:  Semester:L


The purpose is to familiarize students with software systems integration and application design patterns for integration. The course offers introduction to technology for controlling the flow of messages, their transformation across formats, integration of business rules, event management, distributed transaction management, etc. The course provides a complete overview of service-oriented architectures (SOA), focusing on the integration of services and business rules or heterogeneous systems. Outside decentralized software design for SOA students learn to design? Microservice Architecture ?, which allows independent deployment and management of individual system components and services. Besides the above mentioned students learn to work with cloud services access Platform as a Service (PaaS), which is characterized by distinctive features for the development and integration services including seamless migration to cloud-based applications. Students will learn standard specifications for modularization systems in Java - Open Service Gateway Initiative (OSGi). The last part of the course is focused integration services for mobile platforms, both in terms of frontend and backend mobile connectivity options.

Study targets:

The purpose is to introduce the JBoss Fuse projects, JBoss SwitchYard and others, demonstovat them solving problems related to the integration of heterogeneous systems. Students will become familiar with terms such as * Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) * Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) * Event-Driven Architecture (EDA) * Service Component Architecture (SCA) * Micro Services


Viz anotace, průmyslový předmět, 4 dny intenzivní kurz (Po, Út, Čt, Pá), před začátkem semestru Účelem je seznámit studenty s principy integrace softwarových služeb a s představením návrhových vzorů a best practices. Studenti se seznámí se specifikací Open Service Gateway iniciative (OSGi), standard pro modularizaci systémů. Dále se studentu seznámí s problematikou transakcí pro distribuovaný software. Kurz poskytne seznámení se s technologiemi řízení toku zpráv, transformací standardních formátů zpráv, pravidly řízení, apod. Studenti se seznámí se softwarově architektonickým stylem Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA), Platform as a Service (PaaS) a Microservices, dále pak s integraci služeb, byznys pravidel, heterogenních systémů a zdrojů. Poslední část poskytuje přehled o možnostech integrace mobilní platformy, a to jak z pohledu frontend, tak i možnosti připojení mobilních backendů. V rámci cvičení se studenti seznámí s technologiemi a nástroji pro integraci SW služeb a distribuovaných systémů. Naučí se pracovat s se standardem OSGi, naimplementují aplikaci využívající distribuované transakce. Další část předmětu je seznámí technologií pro posílání a směrování zpráv v rozsáhlých systémech. Předmět dodá studentům praktickou zkušenost s integrací služeb v architektonickém stylu Architektury orientované na služby (SOA), Platform as a Service (PaaS) a Microservices. Osvojí si práci s integrací, business proces managementem (BPM) a clusteringem pro škálovatelnost, dále se seznámí s testovatelností distribuovaných aplikací. Pro správu rozsáhlých systémů se naučí řízení a správu kontejnerů, integraci heterogenních zdrojů. Poslední částí předmětu je pohled na systémovou integraci z pohledu mobilních aplikací.

Course outlines:

schedule day 1
1. Principles of system integration software services
2. Tools integration software services
3. Introduction to the standard specifications for modularization system - OSGi
4. Application OSGi
day 2 5th Distributed transactions and Web services and resources
6. Technology messaging, routing rules, Components (Apache Camel)
7. Integration SOA components, basic patterns of integration testing
day 3
8. Integration of software services and business process management (BPM)
9. Integration services and software clustering
10. Testing Software Integration Services
11th specifications and Application Architecture Platform as a Service (PaaS)
12. Management of containers with PaaS
13. Integration of heterogeneous SOA services
14. Managing SOA and systems management - Unified SOA Governance
day 4
15. Mobile application integration software services
16th Mobile Backend 17th Mobile frontend

Exercises outline:

day 1
1. Fundamentals of the standard specification for OSGi modularization systems
2. Basic standard specification for OSGi modularization systems
3rd Classloading, JBoss Fuse Frameworks and fourth Karaf Blueprint day 2 5th Messaging - Apache Camel 6th Messaging - Apache Camel: Consumer-Provider, Components 7th Messaging - Apache Camel Converters, WS, REST day 3
8. Integration of SW services - SwitchYard
9. Integration of SW services - SwitchYard: Transformations, validation
10. Integration of SW services - SwitchYard: BPM, SCA
11. Integration of SW services - SwitchYard: Clustering, failover
12th PaaS Architecture - Fabric8 day 4
13. Management of containers
15. Mobile JMS
16th Mobile JMS iBus // Mobile


Literature and references: * Beginning Java EE 6 with GlassFish 3, Antonio Goncalves, Apress * Java EE 7 Essentials, Arun Gupta, O'Reilly * The Java EE 6 Tutorial, 4th Edition, Eric Jendroc et al. Addison-Wesley * Http:// Required reading: The subject offers students the materials that will be drawn up for the course. Materials and details will gradually be added here: and then on the faculty courseware Recommended reading: * Richard S. Hall, Karl Pauls, Stuart McCulloch, David Savage: OSGi in Action * Craig Walls: Spring in Action * Holly Cummins, Timothy Ward: Enterprise OSGi in Action * Claus Ibsen, Jonathan Anstey: Camel in Action * Scott Cranton, James Korab: Apache Camel Developer's Cookbook * Mark Little, Jon Maron: Java Transaction Processing: Design and Implementation * Thomas Erl: Next Generation SOA: A Concise Introduction to Service Technology & Service-Orientation * Gregor Hohpe, Bobby Woolf: Enterprise Integration Patterns: Designing, Building, and Deploying Messaging Solutions * EMAG InfoQ: Microservices


Students must be familiar with the Enterprise Java technologies (Java EE) and be able to create a simple application and deployed to the Web server also should have knowledge of object-oriented design, and have a basic knowledge of software architectures should know to work with relational databases. This knowledge can be obtained in undergraduate courses OI or STM, and productions of mainstream literature on Java EE (and older versions), object-oriented design and design patterns.


SOA, ESB, Microservices

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Page updated 22.7.2024 15:51:40, semester: L/2024-5, Z,L/2023-4, Z/2024-5, Send comments about the content to the Administrators of the Academic Programs Proposal and Realization: I. Halaška (K336), J. Novák (K336)