Subject description - B4M39RSO

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B4M39RSO Realistic Image Synthesis
Roles:  Extent of teaching:2P+2C
Department:13139 Language of teaching:CS
Guarantors:Havran V. Completion:Z,ZK
Lecturers:Havran V. Credits:6
Tutors:Havran V. Semester:Z

Web page:


We deal with techniques and algorithms for global illumination used in realistic rendering. The lectures partly complete the missing part of continuous mathematics required for this subject and numerical integration methods. The related physics underlying the rendering equation is shortly described which includes the surface reflectance. Most of the lectures are devoted to particular rendering algorithms for virtual and augmented reality. The use of GPUs for rendering algorithms is described in the last lectures.

Study targets:

The goal of the study is to provide the basic knowledge of currently used global illumination algorithms, including theoretical background and practical expertise with some real rendering software package.

Course outlines:

1. Introduction to the global illumination, luminaire description, photometry, radiometry.
2. Light interaction, BRDF, reflectance models, surface reflectance measurements.
3. Rendering equation, importance sampling, light transport operator, stochastic algorithms.
4. Multidimensional integration.
5. Numerical solving of rendering equation, Monte Carlo and quasi Monte Carlo methods, sampling strategies.
6. Path tracing and distribution ray tracing.
7. Biased algorithms: photon maps, irradiance and radiance caching.
8. Radiosity.
9. Volumetric scattering and other algorithms for light transport
10. Written test, introduction to RenderMan.
11. Sampling, aliasing, antialiasing methods.
12. Environment map illumination, image based lighting on CPU and GPU.
13. Other algorithms and contemporary problems of rendering algorithms.
14. Reserved.

Exercises outline:

1. Introduction to the exercises, description of homework projects
2. Selection of homework projects + consultation
3. Consultation to homework projects
4. Project coding
5. Consultation to homework projects
6. Project coding
7. Consultation to homework projects
8. Project coding
9. Consultation to homework projects
10. Project coding
11. Finalizing projects
12. Project presentation
13. Project presentation, credits.
14. Reserved.


1. M. Pharr, G. Humphereys.: Physically Based Rendering. Morgan Kaufmann, 2004, ISBN: 0-12-553180-X.
2. K. Bala, P. Dutre, P. Bekaert: Advanced Global Illumination, A.K.Peters 2006.
3. Žára J. a kol.: Moderní počítačová grafika. Computer Press, 2005, ISBN 80-251-0454-0.


The credits are given based on the individual or team project. The exam is based on the lectures. More information can be found at:


Rendering equation, global illumination algorithms

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Page updated 3.7.2024 09:51:40, semester: L/2023-4, Z/2024-5, Z/2023-4, Send comments about the content to the Administrators of the Academic Programs Proposal and Realization: I. Halaška (K336), J. Novák (K336)