Subject description - AD0M35PII

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AD0M35PII Industrial Informatics and Internet
Roles:  Extent of teaching:14KP+6KC
Department:13135 Language of teaching:CS
Guarantors:  Completion:Z,ZK
Lecturers:  Credits:6
Tutors:  Semester:Z

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The use of Internet technologies in informatics and industry. Communication protocols in the Internet distributed applications, database systems and their management, enterprise management systems. Web services, mobile network, security and reliability, critical applications.

Course outlines:

1. Architecture of distributed network applications.
2. The structure of the network, the application layer and its main parts, clustered servers. Vertical integration of networks with regard to industrial implementation.
3. Networks with guaranteed response time.
4. Client and server applications. Used programming languages.
5. File formats used for data interchange. JSON and XML.
6. The most common database servers in industrial applications and their management.
7. Databases access methods, application of the managerial and technological level. ADO.NET.
8. Manufacturing Execution Systems. Monitoring of the product life cycle, documentation, standardization.
9. Web applications in distributed control systems
10. Web components for the industrial Internet applications.
11. Web services, remote access, used protocols and AJAX.
12. Security, access rights, public key, hash codes, digital signatures.
13. Networks reliability and solutions suitable for critical applications.
14. Mobile systems and ergonomics mobile applications.

Exercises outline:

1. Introduction to seminars, conditions for assessment.
2. Writing, building and debugging of distributed network applications.
3. Server applications, receiving and processing requirements, generating responses.
4. Server applications, communication with databases, configuration database.
5. Web services WSDL, SOAP messages generation and processing.
6. Client applications, exchange and processing of data.
7. Web applications, principles and work in the concept of AJAX. User interface.
8. Web services, the use of free available services, integration into applications.
9. Use of Web services in industrial management.
10. Communication with the control system, distributed control system, monitoring.
11. Creation of projects documentation, automatic generation of reports and user manuals.
12. Individual consultations.
13. Student work presentation.
14. Assessment.


[1] Microsoft .NET Distributed Applications: Integrating XML Web Services and .NET Remoting, Microsoft Press; 1 edition (February 12, 2003).
[2] Manufacturing Execution System - MES by Jürgen Kletti, Springer 2007


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