13133 / 13164 - Publications - 2017

13133 / 13164 - Vision for Robotics and Autonomous Systems

Publications 2017

Papers in WoS Journals

MÜLLER, V.C. and M. HOFFMANN. What is morphological computation? On how the body contributes to cognition and control. Artificial Life. 2017, 23(1), 1-24. ISSN 1064-5462. DOI 10.1162/ARTL_a_00219.

PECKA, M., et al. Controlling Robot Morphology From Incomplete Measurements. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics. 2017, 64(2), 1773-1782. ISSN 0278-0046. DOI 10.1109/TIE.2016.2580125.

PETŘÍČEK, T. and T. SVOBODA. Point cloud registration from local feature correspondences—Evaluation on challenging datasets. PLoS ONE. 2017, 12(11), ISSN 1932-6203. DOI 10.1371/journal.pone.0187943.

Conference Proceedings

KITAGAWA, M., I. SHIMIZU, and R. ŠÁRA. High accuracy local stereo matching using DoG scale map. In: Machine Vision Applications (MVA), 2017 15th IAPR International Conference on. 15th IAPR International Conference on Machine Vision Applications, Nagoya, 2017-05-08/2017-05-12. Piscataway: IEEE, 2017. p. 258-261. ISBN 978-4-901122-16-0. DOI 10.23919/MVA.2017.7986850.


ZIMMERMANN, K., et al. Learning for Active 3D Mapping. In: 2017 IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV 2017). IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision, Venice, 2017-10-22/2017-10-29. Piscataway: IEEE, 2017. p. 1548-1556. ISSN 1550-5499. ISBN 978-1-5386-1032-9. DOI 10.1109/ICCV.2017.171.

HOFFMANN, M., et al. Development of reaching to the body in early infancy: From experiments to robotic models. In: Development and Learning and Epigenetic Robotics (ICDL-EpiRob), 2017 Joint IEEE International Conference on. Joint IEEE International Conference on Development and Learning and Epigenetic Robotics (ICDL-EpiRob), Lisbon, 2017-09-18/2017-09-21. Piscataway, NJ: IEEE, 2017. p. 112-119. ISSN 2161-9484. ISBN 978-1-5386-3715-9. DOI 10.1109/DEVLRN.2017.8329795.

ŠÁRA, R. and V. CVRČEK. Faint Streak Detection with Certificate by Adaptive Two-Level Bayesian Inference. In: Proceedings of 7th European Conference on Space Debris. 7th European Conference on Space Debris, Darmstadt, 2017-04-18/2017-04-21. Darmstadt: ESA Space Debris Office, 2017.

ŠTĚPÁNOVÁ, K., et al. Where is my forearm? Clustering of body parts from simultaneous tactile and linguistic input using sequential mapping. In: Kognice a umělý život XVII [Cognition and Artificial Life XVII]. Kognice a Umělý život XVII, Trenčianské Teplice, 2017-05-31/2017-06-02. Bratislava: Comenius University Bratislava, 2017. p. 155-162. ISBN 978-80-223-4346-6.

STRAKA, Z. and M. HOFFMANN. Learning a Peripersonal Space Representation as a Visuo-Tactile Prediction Task. In: LINTAS, A., et al., eds. Artificial Neural Networks and Machine Learning – ICANN 2017, Part I. 26th International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks, Alghero, 2017-09-11/2017-09-14. Springer, Cham, 2017. p. 101-109. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. vol. 10613. ISSN 0302-9743. ISBN 978-3-319-68599-1. DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-68600-4_13.

HOFFMANN, M. and V.C. MÜLLER. Simple or Complex Bodies? Trade-offs in Exploiting Body Morphology for Control. In: GIOVAGNOLI, R. and G. DODIG-CRNKOVIC, eds. Representation and Reality in Humans, Other Living Organisms and Intelligent Machines. REPRESENTATION AND REALITY: HUMANS, ANIMALS AND MACHINES AT AISB-50, London, 2014-04-01/2014-04-04. Springer, Cham, 2017. p. 335-345. Studies in Applied Philosophy, Epistemology and Rational Ethics. vol. 28. ISSN 2192-6255. ISBN 978-3-319-43782-8. DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-43784-2_17.

PECKA, M., K. ZIMMERMANN, and T. SVOBODA. Fast Simulation of Vehicles with Non-deformable Tracks. In: Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2017 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Vancouver, 2017-09-24/2017-09-28. Piscataway: IEEE, 2017. p. 6414-6419. ISSN 2153-0866. ISBN 978-1-5386-2682-5. DOI 10.1109/IROS.2017.8206546. Available from: http://cmp.felk.cvut.cz/~peckama2/simulation_quality/

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