13000 / 13137 - Publications - 2022

13000 / 13137 - Department of Radioelectronics

Publications 2022

Papers in WoS Journals

HUANG, S., et al. A Directional Particle Filter-Based Multi-Floor Indoor Positioning System. IEEE Access. 2022, 10 116317-116325. ISSN 2169-3536. DOI 10.1109/ACCESS.2022.3218462. Available from: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/9933455

ŠIMON, V. and R. HUDEC. Perspectives of the LOBSTER-EYE monitor in the soft X-ray observing the Galactic center region. JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY ASTROPHYSICS. 2022, 35 69-76. ISSN 2214-4056. DOI 10.1016/j.jheap.2022.06.001. Available from: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S2214404822000234

ČERNÝ, D. and J. DOBEŠ. Deep Learning Neural Network Algorithm for Computation of SPICE Transient Simulation of Nonlinear Time Dependent Circuits. Electronics. 2022, 11(1), 1-12. ISSN 2079-9292. DOI 10.3390/electronics11010015. Available from: https://www.mdpi.com/2079-9292/11/1/15

LUKÁČ, J. and J. SÝKORA. Exact Analytical H-BER for Ad Hoc XOR H-Map Detector for Two Differentially Modulated BPSK Sources in H-MAC Channel. Mathematics. 2022, 10(6), ISSN 2227-7390. DOI 10.3390/math10060903. Available from: https://www.mdpi.com/2227-7390/10/6/903

KOVÁŘ, P., et al. Demonstration of the Capability of 1U CubeSat for Measurement of the Energy Spectrum on LEO. Electronics. 2022, 11(20), 1-11. ISSN 2079-9292. DOI 10.3390/electronics11203390.

ZIZIEN, A. and K. FLIEGEL. Regarding the quality of disparity estimation from distorted light fields. Signal Processing: Image Communication. 2022, 109 1-18. ISSN 0923-5965. DOI 10.1016/j.image.2022.116867.

DANIEL, V., et al. Small Spacecraft Payload Study for X-ray Astrophysics including GRB Science. Universe. 2022, 8(3), ISSN 2218-1997. DOI 10.3390/universe8030144.

NAVRÁTIL, V., J. KRŠKA, and F. VEJRAŽKA. Concurrent Bi-directional TDoA Positioning in UWB Network with Free-running Clocks. IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems. 2022, 58(5), 4434-4450. ISSN 0018-9251. DOI 10.1109/TAES.2022.3161895.

PRAKOSA, S.W., et al. Implementing a Compression Technique on the Progressive Contextual Excitation Network for Smart Farming Applications. Sensors. 2022, 22(24), ISSN 1424-8220. DOI 10.3390/s22249717. Available from: https://www.mdpi.com/1424-8220/22/24/9717


KOVÁŘ, P., P. PURIČER, and K. KOVÁŘOVÁ. Study of the Two-Line Element Accuracy by 1U CubeSat with a GPS Receiver. Sensors. 2022, 22(8), 1-12. ISSN 1424-8220. DOI 10.3390/s22082902. Available from: https://www.mdpi.com/1424-8220/22/8/2902/htm

VETEŠNÍK, A., V. VENCOVSKÝ, and Anthony W. GUMMER. An additional source of distortion-product otoacoustic emissions from perturbation of nonlinear force by reflection from inhomogeneities. JOURNAL OF THE ACOUSTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA. 2022, 152(3), 1660-1682. ISSN 0001-4966. DOI 10.1121/10.0013992.

KRAUZ, L., et al. Broadband Wollaston prism with a large output beam separation based on mercurous halides. Optics Express. 2022, 30(26), 47388-47403. ISSN 1094-4087. DOI 10.1364/OE.477544.

ŠVIHLÍK, J. Mirrored mixture PDF models for scientific image modelling. SIGNAL IMAGE AND VIDEO PROCESSING. 2022, 16(2), 385-393. ISSN 1863-1703. DOI 10.1007/s11760-021-01944-z.

KRAUZ, L., P. PÁTA, and J. KAISER. Assessing the Spectral Characteristics of Dye- and Pigment-Based Inkjet Prints by VNIR Hyperspectral Imaging. Sensors. 2022, 22(2), ISSN 1424-8220. DOI 10.3390/s22020603. Available from: https://www.mdpi.com/1424-8220/22/2/603

JELINEK, M., et al. GRB 190919B: Rapid optical rise explained as a flaring activity. Astronomy & Astrophysics. 2022, 662 ISSN 1432-0746. DOI 10.1051/0004-6361/202143010. Available from: https://www.aanda.org/articles/aa/full_html/2022/06/aa43010-21/aa43010-21.html

TELI, S., et al. A SIMO Hybrid Visible-Light Communication System for Optical IoT. IEEE Internet of Things Journal. 2022, 9(5), 3548-3558. ISSN 2327-4662. DOI 10.1109/JIOT.2021.3098181.

ŠIMON, V. The activity of the dwarf nova RU Pegasi with rapidly changing outburst types. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 2022, 510(3), 3430-3436. ISSN 0035-8711. DOI 10.1093/mnras/stab3577.

LISKA, J., et al. CZEV502-AN M DWARF NEAR THE LEO TRIPLET WITH VERY STRONG FLARES. REVISTA MEXICANA DE ASTRONOMIA Y ASTROFISICA. 2022, 58(1), 155-168. ISSN 0185-1101. DOI 10.22201/ia.01851101p.2022.58.01.12.

GRANJA, C., et al. Directional-Sensitive X-ray/Gamma-ray Imager on Board the VZLUSAT-2 CubeSat for Wide Field-of-View Observation of GRBs in Low Earth Orbit. Universe. 2022, 8(4), ISSN 2218-1997. DOI 10.3390/universe8040241.

ŠIMON, V. Activity of the post-nova V1363 Cygni on long timescales. Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan. 2022, 74(3), 569-577. ISSN 2053-051X. DOI 10.1093/pasj/psac017.

Papers in Other Journals

VALTONEN, M.J., et al. Promise of persistent multi-messenger astronomy with the blazar oj 287. Galaxies. 2022, 10(1), ISSN 2075-4434. DOI 10.3390/galaxies10010001.

Books, Book Chapters and Lecture Notes

HONZÍK, P., V. VENCOVSKÝ, and F. RUND, eds. 3. STUDENTSKÝ AKUSTICKÝ SEMINÁŘ. Praha, 2022-01-20. Praha: Czech Technical University in Prague, 2022. ISBN 978-80-01-06986-8. Available from: https://mmtg.fel.cvut.cz/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/Sbornik_3StudentAkSeminar_2022.pdf

Conference Proceedings

DOBEŠ, J. and J. MÍCHAL. Design of Dual-Band Antenna Low-Noise Preamplifiers by Multi-Objective Optimization and Its Verification with More Precise Measurement Method. In: 2022 Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference Proceedings. 2022 Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference, Yokohama, 2022-11-29/2022-12-02. Tokyo: IEICE, Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, 2022. p. 743-745. ISBN 978-4-902339-56-7. Available from: https://apmc2022.org/

HRON, P., J. LUKÁČ, and J. SÝKORA. Noncoherent WPNC 2-source MAC channel demodulation methods. In: 2nd MC Meeting and 1st Technical Meeting. Boloň, 2022-02-08/2022-02-11. Nová Lovaň: Euracon, 2022. Available from: https://interactca20120.org/meetings/2nd-mc-meeting-and-1st-technical-meeting/

SCOTTI, M., et al. Navimoon–ultra-high sensitivity gnss receiver for lunar navigation. In: 8th International Colloquium on Scientific and Fundamental Aspects of GNSS. Sofia, 2022-09-14/2022-09-16. Nordwijk: European Space Agency, 2022. Available from: https://atpi.eventsair.com/gnss2022/final-programme

MIKEŠ, J. and P. KOVÁŘ. Methodology and Detection of Lightning Strikes in Down-conductors via Sigfox Network. In: MIKEŠ, J. and P. KOVÁŘ, eds. Proceedings of the International Conference on Lightning & Static Electricity (ICOLSE 2022). International Conference On Lightning and Static Electricity (ICOLSE 2022), Madrid, 2022-09-12/2022-09-15. Madrid: School of industrial engineers, Madrid (Spain), 2022. p. 1-5. Available from: https://www.icolse2022.org/

KLIMEŠ, O., et al. Effect of Middle Ear Muscle Reflex on Forward and Reverse Transmission in Middle Ear Model. In: 2022 ARO Abstract Book. 45. Virtual MidWinter Meeting ARO, online, 2022-02-05/2022-02-09. Association for research in otolaryngology, 2022. p. 642. Available from: https://aro.org/meetings/aro-midwinter-meeting-archives/

DOBEŠ, J. and J. MÍCHAL. Comparing the L&S and L-Band Antenna Low-Noise Amplifiers Designed by Multi-Objective Optimization. In: TRAN, X.-T. and D.-H. BUI, eds. Proceedings of 2022 IEEE International Conference on IC Design and Technology. 2022 IEEE International Conference on IC Design and Technology, Hanoi, 2022-09-21/2022-09-23. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2022. p. 65-68. ISSN 2691-0462. ISBN 9781665459013. DOI 10.1109/ICICDT56182.2022.9933072.

VENCOVSKÝ, V. and A. VETEŠNÍK. Distortion-Product Otoacoustic Emission Suppression Tuning Curves Derived from 2D Cochlear Model. In: 2022 ARO Abstract Book. 45. Virtual MidWinter Meeting ARO, online, 2022-02-05/2022-02-09. Association for research in otolaryngology, 2022. p. 538. Available from: https://aro.org/meetings/aro-midwinter-meeting-archives/

VAGNER, D. Design and Realization of Spherical Microphone Array. In: HUSNÍK, L., ed. Proceedings of the International Student Scientific Conference Poster – 26/2022. 26th International Student Conference on Electrical Engineering Poster 2022, Praha, 2022-05-12. Praha: CTU. Faculty of Electrical Engineering, 2022. p. 1-4. vol. 1. ISBN 978-80-01-06992-9. Available from: http://www.cvut.cz/poster

MIKEŠ, J. and P. KOVÁŘ. Highly Efficient Portable Lightning Strike Counter - Case Study of Its Implementation and Testing. In: 2022 36th International Conference on Lightning Protection (ICLP). 36th International Conference on Lightning Protection, Cape Town, 2022-10-02/2022-10-07. New York: IEEE Press, 2022. p. 160-164. ISSN 2469-8784. ISBN 978-1-6654-9024-5. DOI 10.1109/ICLP56858.2022.9942571.

LUKÁČ, J. and J. SÝKORA. Detection of XOR HNC map of 2 nonsynchronous BPSK sources in H-MAC - testbed verification. In: 2nd Technical Meeting. COST INTERACT, 2nd Technical Meeting, Lyon, 2022-06-13/2022-06-15. Brussels: COST Office, 2022.

OZDOGRU, A. Comparison of Autoregressive Model Based Perceptible Click Detection Algorithms. In: HUSNÍK, L., ed. Proceedings of the International Student Scientific Conference Poster – 26/2022. 26th International Student Conference on Electrical Engineering Poster 2022, Praha, 2022-05-12. Praha: CTU. Faculty of Electrical Engineering, 2022. p. 1-4. vol. 1. ISBN 978-80-01-06992-9. Available from: http://www.cvut.cz/poster

KLIMEŠ, O. and V. VENCOVSKÝ. Middle Ear Muscle Reflex in Middle Ear Lumped-Element Model. In: HONZÍK, P., V. VENCOVSKÝ, and F. RUND, eds. 3. STUDENTSKÝ AKUSTICKÝ SEMINÁŘ. Praha, 2022-01-20. Praha: Czech Technical University in Prague, 2022. p. 9-10. ISBN 978-80-01-06986-8. Available from: https://mmtg.fel.cvut.cz/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/Sbornik_3StudentAkSeminar_2022.pdf

DOBEŠ, J. Quantifying Measurement Uncertainty of Microwave Amplifiers with Very Low Noise Figures Designed by Multi-Objective Optimization. In: SEO, S.-W., ed. International Conference on Electronics, Information, and Communication 2022. 21th International Conference on Electronics, Information, and Communication, Jeju, 2022-02-06/2022-02-09. Piscataway (New Jersey): IEEE, 2022. p. 597-600. ISSN 2767-7699. ISBN 978-1-6654-0934-6. DOI 10.1109/ICEIC54506.2022.9748767.

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Responsible person: RNDr. Patrik Mottl, Ph.D.