13000 / 13135 - Publications - 2017

13000 / 13135 - Department of Control Engineering

Publications 2017

Papers in WoS Journals

KORDA, M., D. HENRION, and C.N. JONES. Convergence rates of moment-sum-of-squares hierarchies for optimal control problems. Systems & Control Letters. 2017, 100 1-5. ISSN 0167-6911. DOI 10.1016/j.sysconle.2016.11.010.

BEŇO, R., D. PACHNER, and V. HAVLENA. Robust numerical approach to steady-state calibration of mean-value models. Control Engineering Practice. 2017, 61 186-197. ISSN 0967-0661. DOI 10.1016/j.conengprac.2016.04.009.

DANĚK, M., et al. Influence of Cr additions on the structure and oxidation resistance of multilayered TiAlCrN films. Surface & Coatings Technology. 2017, 313 158-167. ISSN 0257-8972. DOI 10.1016/j.surfcoat.2017.01.053.

CALLISTI, M. and T. POLCAR. Combined size and texture-dependent deformation and strengthening mechanisms in Zr/Nb nano-multilayers. Acta materialia. 2017, 124 247-260. ISSN 1359-6454. DOI 10.1016/j.actamat.2016.11.007.

CIFUENTES, S.C, et al. Assessment of mechanical behavior of PLA composites reinforced with Mg micro-particles through depth-sensing indentations analysis. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials. 2017, 65 781-790. ISSN 1751-6161. DOI 10.1016/j.jmbbm.2016.09.013.

ŠULC, J. and S. SKOGESTAD. A Systematic Approach for Airflow Velocity Control Design in Road Tunnels. Control Engineering Practice. 2017, 69 61-72. ISSN 0967-0661. DOI 10.1016/j.conengprac.2017.09.005.

BURGIO, P., et al. A software stack for next-generation automotive systems on many-core heterogeneous platforms. Microprocessors and Microsystems. 2017, 52 299-311. ISSN 0141-9331. DOI 10.1016/j.micpro.2017.06.016.

SEDDIK, Y. and Z. HANZÁLEK. Match-up scheduling of mixed-criticality jobs: maximizing the probability of jobs execution. European Journal of Operational Research. 2017, 262(1), 46-59. ISSN 0377-2217. DOI 10.1016/j.ejor.2017.03.054.

CECCATO, A., P. NICOLINI, and D. FREZZATO. Attracting subspaces in a hyper-spherical representation of autonomous dynamical systems. Journal of Mathematical Physics. 2017, 58(9), 1-18. ISSN 0022-2488. DOI 10.1063/1.5001891.

HERMAN, I., S. KNORN, and A. AHLÉN. Disturbance scaling in bidirectional vehicle platoons with different asymmetry in position and velocity coupling. Automatica. 2017, 82 13-20. ISSN 0005-1098. DOI 10.1016/j.automatica.2017.04.010.

CECCATO, A., P. NICOLINI, and D. FREZZATO. A Low-Computational-Cost Strategy to Localize Points in the Slow Manifold Proximity for Isothermal Chemical Kinetics. International Journal of Chemical Kinetics. 2017, 49(7), 477-493. ISSN 0538-8066. DOI 10.1002/kin.21091.

HROMČÍK, M. and T. VYHLÍDAL. Inverse Feedback Shapers for Coupled Multibody Systems. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control. 2017, 62(9), 4804-4810. ISSN 0018-9286. DOI 10.1109/TAC.2017.2688179.

MÓDOS, I., P. ŠŮCHA, and Z. HANZÁLEK. Algorithms for robust production scheduling with energy consumption limits. Computers & Industrial Engineering. 2017, 112 391-408. ISSN 0360-8352. DOI 10.1016/j.cie.2017.08.011.

BUKATA, L., et al. Energy Optimization of Robotic Cells. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL INFORMATICS. 2017, 13(1), 92-102. ISSN 1551-3203. DOI 10.1109/TII.2016.2626472.

GÓMEZ-GUTIÉRREZ, D., et al. On the distinguishability and observer design for single-input single-output continuous-time switched affine systems under bounded disturbances with application to chaos-based modulation. European Journal of Control. 2017, 34 49-58. ISSN 0947-3580. DOI 10.1016/j.ejcon.2016.12.005.

CLAEYS, M., D. HENRION, and M. KRUŽÍK. SEMI-DEFINITE RELAXATIONS FOR OPTIMAL CONTROL PROBLEMS WITH OSCILLATION AND CONCENTRATION EFFECTS. ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations. 2017, 23(1), 95-117. ISSN 1292-8119. DOI 10.1051/cocv/2015041.

CAMMARATA, A. and T. POLCAR. Vibrational Contributions to Intrinsic Friction in Charged Transition Metal Dichalcogenides. Nanoscale. 2017, 9(32), 11488-11497. ISSN 2040-3364. DOI 10.1039/c7nr04034b.

DONG, Z., et al. Equivalent force modeling of macro fiber composite actuators integrated into nonhomogeneous composite plates for dynamic applications. SMART MATERIALS & STRUCTURES. 2017, 26(9), ISSN 0964-1726. DOI 10.1088/1361-665X/aa7bd0.

CAMMARATA, A. and T. POLCAR. Overcoming nanoscale friction barriers in transition metal dichalcogenides. PHYSICAL REVIEW B. 2017, 96(8), ISSN 2469-9950. DOI 10.1103/PhysRevB.96.085406.

ŠANTIN, O., et al. Proportioning with second-order information for model predictive control. Optimization Methods and Software. 2017, 32(3), 436-454. ISSN 1055-6788. DOI 10.1080/10556788.2016.1213840.

GURTNER, M., K. HENGSTER-MOVRIC, and Z. HURÁK. Green's function-based control-oriented modeling of electric field for dielectrophoresis. Journal of Applied Physics. 2017, 122(5), ISSN 0021-8979. DOI 10.1063/1.4997725.

LUXA, J., et al. 2H -> 1T Phase Engineering of Layered Tantalum Disulfides in Electrocatalysis: Oxygen Reduction Reaction. Chemistry - A European Journal. 2017, 23(33), 8082-8091. ISSN 0947-6539. DOI 10.1002/chem.201701494.

ISMAIL ALI, H., et al. Reducing the Complexity of Dataflow Graphs using Slack-based Merging. ACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems. 2017, 22(2), ISSN 1084-4309. DOI 10.1145/2956232.

ŠULC, J., et al. Optimization-based control of ventilation in a road tunnel complex. Control Engineering Practice. 2017, 69 141-155. ISSN 0967-0661. DOI 10.1016/j.conengprac.2017.09.011.

MARTINEC, D., I. HERMAN, and M. ŠEBEK. A travelling wave approach to a multi-agent system with a path-graph topology. Systems & Control Letters. 2017, 99 90-98. ISSN 0167-6911. DOI 10.1016/j.sysconle.2016.12.001.

DE CASTRO, Y., et al. Exact Solutions to Super Resolution on Semi-Algebraic Domains in Higher Dimensions. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory. 2017, 63(1), 621-630. ISSN 0018-9448. DOI 10.1109/TIT.2016.2619368.

HERMAN, I., et al. Scaling in bidirectional platoons with dynamic controllers and proportional asymmetry. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control. 2017, 62(4), 2034-2040. ISSN 0018-9286. DOI 10.1109/TAC.2016.2594169.

HANZÁLEK, Z. and P. ŠŮCHA. Time Symmetry of Resource Constrained Project Scheduling with General Temporal Constraints and Take-give Resources. Annals of Operations Research. 2017, 248(1), 209-237. ISSN 0254-5330. DOI 10.1007/s10479-016-2184-6.

MICHÁLEK, T. and J. ZEMÁNEK. Dipole and multipole models of dielectrophoresis for a non-negligible particle size: Simulations and experiments. Electrophoresis. 2017, 38(11), 1419-1426. ISSN 0173-0835. DOI 10.1002/elps.201600466.

IRVING, B., P. NICOLINI, and T. POLCAR. On the lubricity of transition metal dichalcogenides: an ab initio study. Nanoscale. 2017, 9(17), 5597-5607. ISSN 2040-3364. DOI 10.1039/c7nr00925a.

MONCLÚS, M.A., et al. Selective oxidation-induced strengthening of Zr/Nb nanoscale multilayers. Acta materialia. 2017, 122 1-10. ISSN 1359-6454. DOI 10.1016/j.actamat.2016.09.021.

BRIAND, C, S.U. NGUEVEU, and P. ŠŮCHA. Finding an optimal Nash equilibrium to the multi-agent project scheduling problem. Journal of Scheduling. 2017, 20(5), 475-491. ISSN 1094-6136. DOI 10.1007/s10951-017-0516-2.

EDER, M.A., et al. A multi-frequency fatigue testing method for wind turbine rotor blades. Journal of Sound and Vibration. 2017, 388 123-140. ISSN 0022-460X. DOI 10.1016/j.jsv.2016.10.032.

PČOLKA, M. and S. ČELIKOVSKÝ. Production-process optimization algorithm: Application to fed-batch bioprocess. Journal of the Franklin Institute. 2017, 354(18), 8529-8551. ISSN 0016-0032. DOI 10.1016/j.jfranklin.2017.10.012.

DABBENE, F., D. HENRION, and C.M. LAGOA. Simple approximations of semialgebraic sets and their applications to control. Automatica. 2017, 78 110-118. ISSN 0005-1098. DOI 10.1016/j.automatica.2016.11.021.

KOLIOGIORGOS, A., S. BASKOUTAS, and I. GALANAKIS. Electronic and gap properties of lead-free perfect and mixed hybrid halide perovskites: An ab-initio study. Computational Materials Science. 2017, 138 92-98. ISSN 0927-0256. DOI 10.1016/j.commatsci.2017.06.026.

Papers in Other Journals

KARLÍČEK, J., et al. Vibration Control of cantilever Beam using collocated piezoelectric sensor/actuator Pair. Bulletin of Applied Mechanics. 2017, 13(42), 1-6. ISSN 1801-1217.

Books, Book Chapters and Lecture Notes

HENRION, D. and E. PAUWELS. Linear conic optimization for nonlinear optimal control. In: AHMED, S., T. TERLAKY, and M. ANJOS, eds. Advances and Trends in Optimization with Engineering Applications. Philadelphia: SIAM, 2017. p. 121-134. ISBN 978-1-61197-467-6. DOI 10.1137/1.9781611974683.ch10.

PACHNER, D., J. TABAČEK, and V. HAVLENA. Control-oriented models for turbocharged engines. In: GIAKOUMIS, E.G., ed. Turbochargers and turbocharging: Advancements, applications and research. Hauppauge NY: Nova Science Publisher, Inc., 2017. p. 435-452. ISBN 978-1-5361-2239-8.

PAUWELS, E., D. HENRION, and J.B. LASSERRE. Positivity certificates in optimal control. In: Geometric and Numerical Foundations of Movements. Heidelberg: Springer, 2017. p. 113-131. Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics. vol. 117. ISSN 1610-7438. ISBN 978-3-319-51546-5. DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-51547-2_6.

BURGET, P., et al. Optimisation of Power Consumption for Robotic Lines in Automotive Industry. In: GHEZZI, L., Ch. LANDRY, and D. HÖMBERG, eds. Math for the Digital Factory. Springer, Cham, 2017. p. 135-161. ISBN 978-3-319-63955-0. DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-63957-4_7.

Conference Proceedings

BENEŠ, P., et al. Cloth-like Structures with Distributed Active Damping. In: VALÁŠEK, M., et al., eds. Proceedings of the 8th ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on MULTIBODY DYNAMICS 2017. 8th ECCOMAS Thematic conference on MULTIBODY DYNAMICS, Praha, 2017-06-19/2017-06-22. Praha: CTU PH. Production, 2017. p. 511-514. 1. ISBN 978-80-01-06174-9.


RON, M. and P. BURGET. Density Based Clustering for Detection of Robotic Operations. In: Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Automation Science and Engineering. 13th IEEE Conference on Automation Science and Engineering, Xi'an, 2017-08-20/2017-08-23. Piscataway, NJ: IEEE, 2017. p. 1-6. ISBN 978-1-5090-6780-0.

HOMOLKA, P., M. HROMČÍK, and T. VYHLÍDAL. Input shaping solutions for drones with suspended load: First results. In: Proceedings of the 2017 21st International Conference on Process Control. 21st International Conference on Process Control, Strbske Pleso, 2017-06-06/2017-06-09. IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers), 2017. p. 30-35. ISBN 978-1-5386-4011-1. DOI 10.1109/PC.2017.7976184.

NOVÁK, A., Z. HANZÁLEK, and P. ŠŮCHA. Scheduling of safety-critical time-constrained traffic with F-shaped messages. In: Proceedings of the 13th International Workshop on Factory Communication Systems (WFCS). 2017 IEEE 13th International Workshop on Factory Communication Systems (WFCS), Trondheim, 2017-05-31/2017-06-02. Piscataway: IEEE, 2017. p. 1-9. ISBN 978-1-5090-5788-7. DOI 10.1109/WFCS.2017.7991948.

KUNGURTSEV, V., et al. Input Shaper Optimization with a Constraint on the Spectrum Distribution. In: Proceedings of the IFAC 2017 World Congress. The 20th World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control, Toulouse, 2017-07-09/2017-07-14. Kidlington Oxford OX GB: Elsevier, 2017. p. 13324-13329. ISSN 2405-8963. DOI 10.1016/j.ifacol.2017.08.1893.

HOUDEK, P., M. SOJKA, and Z. HANZÁLEK. Towards predictable execution model on ARM-based heterogeneous platforms. In: Proceedings of the 26th IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics. 26th IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, ISIE 2017, 2017-07-18/2017-07-21. Piscataway, NJ: IEEE, 2017. p. 1297-1302. ISSN 2163-5137. ISBN 978-1-5090-1412-5. DOI 10.1109/ISIE.2017.8001432.

GURTNER, M. and J. ZEMÁNEK. Ball in double hoop: demonstration model for numerical optimal control. In: Proceedings of the IFAC 2017 World Congress. The 20th World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control, Toulouse, 2017-07-09/2017-07-14. Kidlington Oxford OX GB: Elsevier, 2017. p. 2379-2384. ISSN 2405-8963. DOI 10.1016/j.ifacol.2017.08.429.

ALIKOÇ, B., et al. Flexible Mode Compensation by Inverse Shaper in the Loop with Magnitude Saturated Actuators. In: Proceedings of the IFAC 2017 World Congress. The 20th World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control, Toulouse, 2017-07-09/2017-07-14. Kidlington Oxford OX GB: Elsevier, 2017. p. 1251-1256. ISSN 2405-8963. DOI 10.1016/j.ifacol.2017.08.350.

PILBAUER, D., et al. Mixed-sensitivity design of a dynamic controller for systems pre-compensated by input shapers. In: Proceedings of the IFAC 2017 World Congress. The 20th World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control, Toulouse, 2017-07-09/2017-07-14. Kidlington Oxford OX GB: Elsevier, 2017. p. 1304-1309. ISSN 2405-8963. DOI 10.1016/j.ifacol.2017.08.108.

ZHANG, X., et al. Consensus-based distributed sensor fusion over a network. In: 2017 IEEE CONFERENCE ON CONTROL TECHNOLOGY AND APPLICATIONS. 1st Annual IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications, Kohala Coast, Hawai, 2018-08-27/2017-08-30. Piscataway, NJ: IEEE, 2017. p. 674-679. ISBN 978-1-5090-2182-6.

OTTA, P., J. BURANT, and O. ŠANTIN. Newton Projection with Proportioning for Model Predictive Control with Long Prediction Horizon. In: Book of abstracts - 4th International Conference on Optimization Methods and Software 2017. 4th International Conference on Optimization Methods and Software 2017, Havana, 2017-12-16/2017-12-20. Universidad de La Habana, 2017. p. 56-57.

KUBALÍK, J., E. DERNER, and R. BABUŠKA. Enhanced Symbolic Regression Through Local Variable Transformations. In: SABOURIN, C., et al., eds. Proceedings of the 9th International Joint Conference on Computational Intelligence. 9th International Joint Conference on Computational Intelligence, Funchal, Madeira, 2017-11-01/2017-11-03. Porto: SciTePress - Science and Technology Publications, 2017. p. 91-100. ISBN 978-989-758-274-5. DOI 10.5220/0006505200910100. Available from: http://www.scitepress.org/DigitalLibrary/Link.aspx?doi=10.5220/0006505200910100

LÁD, M., I. HERMAN, and Z. HURÁK. Vehicular platooning experiments using autonomous slot cars. In: Proceedings of the IFAC 2017 World Congress. The 20th World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control, Toulouse, 2017-07-09/2017-07-14. Kidlington Oxford OX GB: Elsevier, 2017. p. 12596-12603. ISSN 2405-8963. DOI 10.1016/j.ifacol.2017.08.2201.

HENGSTER-MOVRIC, K. and M. ŠEBEK. Generalized output synchronization of heterogeneous linear multi-agent systems. In: Proceedings of the 2017 21st International Conference on Process Control. 21st International Conference on Process Control, Strbske Pleso, 2017-06-06/2017-06-09. IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers), 2017. p. 1-6. ISBN 978-1-5386-4011-1. DOI 10.1109/PC.2017.7976179.

MONDEK, M. and M. HROMČÍK. Linear analysis of lateral vehicle dynamics. In: Proceedings of the 2017 21st International Conference on Process Control. 21st International Conference on Process Control, Strbske Pleso, 2017-06-06/2017-06-09. IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers), 2017. p. 240-246. ISBN 978-1-5386-4011-1. DOI 10.1109/PC.2017.7976220.

SVOBODA, F. and M. HROMČÍK. Finite element method based modeling of a flexible wing structure. In: Proceedings of the 2017 21st International Conference on Process Control. 21st International Conference on Process Control, Strbske Pleso, 2017-06-06/2017-06-09. IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers), 2017. p. 222-227. ISBN 978-1-5386-4011-1. DOI 10.1109/PC.2017.7976217.

KNOTEK, Š., K. HENGSTER-MOVRIC, and M. ŠEBEK. Distributed adaptive consensus protocol with Laplacian eigenvalues estimation. In: Proceedings of the 2017 21st International Conference on Process Control. 21st International Conference on Process Control, Strbske Pleso, 2017-06-06/2017-06-09. IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers), 2017. p. 269-273. ISBN 978-1-5386-4011-1. DOI 10.1109/PC.2017.7976225.

BENEŠ, P., et al. Control of flexible 2D mechanical structure by multiple planar piezoelectric patches. In: 33rd conference with international participation Computational Mechanics 2017 - Extended Abstracts. 33rd CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION Computational Mechanics 2017, Špičák, Železná Ruda, 2017-11-06/2017-11-08. Pilsen: University of West Bohemia, 2017. p. 7-8. ISBN 978-80-261-0748-4.

NOVÁK, A., P. ŠŮCHA, and Z. HANZÁLEK. Exact Approach to the Scheduling of F-shaped Tasks with Two and Three Criticality Levels. In: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems. International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems, Porto, 2017-02-23/2017-02-25. Madeira: SciTePress, 2017. p. 160-170. ISBN 978-989-758-218-9. DOI 10.5220/0006198101600170.

AHMAD, A. and Z. HANZÁLEK. Distributed Real Time TDMA Scheduling Algorithm for Tree Topology WSNs. In: Proceedings of the IFAC 2017 World Congress. The 20th World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control, Toulouse, 2017-07-09/2017-07-14. Kidlington Oxford OX GB: Elsevier, 2017. p. 5926-5933. ISSN 2405-8963. DOI 10.1016/j.ifacol.2017.08.1484. Available from: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S240589631732061X

HANZÁLEK, Z., R. ČAPEK, and P. ŠŮCHA. Total Setup Time Minimisation in Production Scheduling with Alternatives. In: MAŘÍK, V., et al., eds. Industrial Applications of Holonic and Multi-Agent Systems. 8th International Conference, HoloMAS 2017, Lyon, France, August 28–30, 2017, Proceedings, Lyon, 2017-09-28/2017-09-30. Cham: Springer, 2017. p. 11-23. ISSN 0302-9743. ISBN 978-3-319-64634-3. DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-64635-0_2.

ZEMÁNEK, J., S. ČELIKOVSKÝ, and Z. HURÁK. Time-Optimal Control for Bilinear Nonnegative-In-Control Systems: Application to Magnetic Manipulation. In: Proceedings of the IFAC 2017 World Congress. The 20th World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control, Toulouse, 2017-07-09/2017-07-14. Kidlington Oxford OX GB: Elsevier, 2017. p. 16032-16039. ISSN 2405-8963. DOI 10.1016/j.ifacol.2017.08.1916.

NOVÁK, A., P. ŠŮCHA, and Z. HANZÁLEK. Efficient algorithms for non-preemptive mixed-criticality match-up scheduling problem. In: Proceedings of the Multidisciplinary International Conference on Scheduling : Theory and Applications (MISTA 2017). 8th Multidisciplinary International Conference on Scheduling : Theory and Applications (MISTA 2017), Kuala Lumpur, 2017-12-05/2017-12-08. Nottingham: University of Nottingham, 2017. p. 377-379. ISSN 2305-249X.

WAGNER, D. and M. HROMČÍK. Robust pitch attitude hold with MRAC for a nonlinear light combat aircraft model. In: Proceedings of the 2017 21st International Conference on Process Control. 21st International Conference on Process Control, Strbske Pleso, 2017-06-06/2017-06-09. IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers), 2017. p. 71-75. ISBN 978-1-5386-4011-1. DOI 10.1109/PC.2017.7976191.

VLK, M., R. BARTÁK, and Z. HANZÁLEK. Minimization of Useless Work in Resource Failure Recovery of Workflow Schedules. In: Proceedings of ETFA'2017. The 22nd IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies And Factory Automation, Limassol, 2017-09-12/2017-09-15. Piscataway, NJ: IEEE, 2017. p. 1-8. ISSN 1946-0759. ISBN 978-1-5090-6505-9. DOI 10.1109/ETFA.2017.8247624.

DVOŘÁK, J., M. HELLER, and Z. HANZÁLEK. Makespan minimization of Time-Triggered traffic on a TTEthernet network. In: Proceedings of the 13th International Workshop on Factory Communication Systems (WFCS). 2017 IEEE 13th International Workshop on Factory Communication Systems (WFCS), Trondheim, 2017-05-31/2017-06-02. Piscataway: IEEE, 2017. ISBN 978-1-5090-5788-7. DOI 10.1109/WFCS.2017.7991955.

FARIA, C.T., Z. DONG, and X. ZHANG. On the decentralized observer/controller strategy for disturbance rejection. In: Proceedings of SPIE - Tribute Conference Honoring Daniel Inman. Tribute Conference Honoring Daniel Inman, Portland, 2017-03-29. Baltimore: SPIE, 2017. ISSN 0277-786X. ISBN 978-1-5106-0829-0. DOI 10.1117/12.2257666.


HERMAN, I. Scaling in vehicle platoons. Praha: Defense date 2017-07-31. PhD Thesis. ČVUT FEL, Katedra řídicí techniky.

ŠANTIN, O. Numerical Algorithms of Quadratic Programming for Model Predictive Control. Praha: Defense date 2017-03-10. PhD Thesis. ČVUT FEL, Katedra řídicí techniky.

MALÍK, O. Demand Side Management System for Optimizing Operation of Power Grids with Renewable Energy Sources. Praha: Defense date 2017-04-21. PhD Thesis. ČVUT FEL, Katedra řídicí techniky.

Research Reports

MINAEVA, A., et al. Component Integration with Applications Designed Amenably. [Research Report] Praha: ČVUT, CIIRC, 2017. Report no. CIIRC-TR-2017-0022.

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