Possible problems connected with enrolment in the Bachelor’s/Master’s project course and the comprehensive final examination
Regulation PEO No. 4/2016
Ref. No.: 316/13922/2016/Ši
- General information on the comprehensive final examination (SZZ)
- Instructions for students who enrol in the Bachelor’s/Master’s project course (BAP/DIP)
- Failure to submit the Bachelor’s project after enrolment in the BAP/DIP course
- Comprehensive final examination resit; make-up date for the comprehensive final examination
1. General information on the comprehensive final examination (SZZ)
A student in a Bachelor’s or Master’s programme must take the comprehensive final examination or its last part (including its potential resit)
- at latest 1.5 years from the day when all other study requirements placed by the study programme have been met (by these requirements understood as getting at least 180 credits in the Bachelor’s program, 120 credits in the Master’s program and completing all the courses stated in the study plan including an assessment for the BAP/DIP course). The day of meeting all other the requirements placed upon a student by the study plan is understood to be the last day of the last exam period, in which a student enrolled in the courses following his or her study plan (see The Study and Examination Code for Students of CTU in Prague, Art. 16 para. 9);
- at the latest 6 years from the day of enrolment in the Bachelor’s study programme; or 4 years from the day of enrolment in the Master’s study programme (this period is given by the maximum study periods for the Bachelor’s or Master’s program).
The comprehensive final examination may be taken by a student who has met their study plan (see above) and was given a date for the comprehensive final examination by the Dean. Each student must regularly check their study plan and close it in the KOS system; in case of problems they must contact their study officer. The 1.5-year period starts running for each student upon meeting their study plan regardless of when they close their study plan.
The Dean, in compliance with The Dean’s regulation for final theses and comprehensive Bachelor’s and Master’s final examinations, sets a date for the comprehensive final examination for those students (which means that the comprehensive final examination may only be taken by students), who simultaneously:
- register for the comprehensive final examination in the KOS system in the period stated by the given timetable
- meet their study plan at least three working days before the respective date of the comprehensive final state examination. Only upon meeting the study plan, the earlier registration takes effect (in the case that a student does not meet their study plan, they do not have to apply for the registration to be cancelled).
2. Instructions for students who enrol in the Bachelor’s/Master’s project course
Students, who in order to meet their study plan, are missing courses, or whose credit sum (not counting credits for the Bachelor’s project/Master’s thesis) is lower than 20 in the given semester, will not, in compliance with the amendment of The Study and Examination Code for Students of CTU in Prague (Art. 14 para. 5), apply for an individual study plan:
- students will enrol in all the missing courses taught in the respective semester including the Bachelor’s/Master’s project course, as well as other courses according to their choice
- in order to enable them to pass to the following year, there will be an obligation to get, in the respective academic year, at least 2/3 of the credit sum of all enrolled courses in that academic year (this sum does not include the credits for the Bachelor’s/Master’s project course).
In case a student does not reach the required amount of credits, their studies will be terminated for not meeting the study requirements.
Resolving situations, which may arise after enrolment in the Bachelor’s/Master’s project course, can be found in the table below:
3. Failure to submit the Bachelor’s project after enrolment in the BAP/DIP course
If a student fails to submit BAP/DIP after the first enrolment in the BAP/DIP course, they enrol in the Bachelor’s/Master’s project course for the second time (The Study and Examination Code for Students of CTU in Prague, Art. 16 para. 4).
The Bachelor’s/Master’s project course may be enrolled in twice; in justified cases it is possible to apply for one make-up date for submitting the BAP/DIP after the second enrolment (”deferral of submitting the BAP/DIP“).
The application for a make-up date for submitting the BAP/DIP is submitted to the Dean via the Study Office on a prescribed form, which includes a copy of a valid BAP/DIP topic. The application must be recommended by the BAP/DIP supervisor and the department head.
The validity of the BAP/DIP topic is limited to three months following the semester, in which the student received the BAP/DIP topic (see The Dean’s regulation for final theses and comprehensive Bachelor’s and Master’s final examinations at CTU FEE, Art. 3). After this period is over, a student must apply to the Dean for the topic validity to be prolonged by one semester, poss. for a new BAP/DIP topic. Applications are always submitted via the Study Office and must be recommended by both the department head and the supervisor of the original, poss. the new project.
4. Comprehensive final examination resit; make-up date for the comprehensive final examination (SZZ)
- Only concerns those students for whom a date for the SZZ by the Dean was set (see details in point 1).
- If a student does not come on the set day to take the SZZ and does not apologize in writing to the Dean within five days from that date (via the Study Office), poss. the apology is not accepted by the Dean, the student gets an F grade (and thus loses one try on the SZZ).
- Státní závěrečnou zkoušku lze opakovat pouze jednou.
Prague 23. 3. 2016
doc. Ing. Ivan Jelínek, CSc., v. r., Vice Dean
prof. Ing. Jiří Jakovenko, Ph.D., v. r., Vice Dean