Rules for awarding scholarships to foreign students studying in Master’s degree programmes at CTU
In support of student mobility, the rector of CTU in Prague announces a system of scholarships for foreign students coming to study in Master‘s degree programmes.
The scholarship is intended for foreign students who wish to take a Master‘s degree programme at CTU and who display qualities that entitle them to the award of this scholarship.
Procedures for awarding a scholarship
The scholarship is awarded in accordance with the Higher Education Act no. 111/1998 Sb., and they are paid from the scholarship fund and in accordance with § 91, para. (3) point. (b) of this Act may be paid from the grant.
The scholarship is a contribution towards the cost of stay in the Czech Republic up to 10,000 CZK per month. For this purpose, the CTU Rector establishes a scholarship fund for foreign students in master's degree programs.
A scholarship is normally awarded to an individual student for a period of 1 to 2 semesters. In the event of excellent study results, it can be extended until the time corresponding to the standard length of the Master‘s degree programme.
A student who is awarded a CTU scholarship is subject to the study and examination regulations for studying in Master‘s degree programmes. They enrolled as a foreign student in the relevant department.
Applications for CTU scholarships are administered to foreign students on an ongoing basis by the CTU Department of International Relations Rector.
The application is submitted on the form which is available on the CTU Rector website. The application should include:
- a notarized copy of the bachelor’s degree and transcripts,
- a CTU department recommendation for admission.
Decisions on the awarding of a scholarship are made by the vice-rector on the basis of a recommendation by the commission of vice-deans for international relations.
If a foreign student has passed all the prescribed accredited courses for the first year of a Master‘s degree programme within the recommended time plan, they may apply for an extension of the scholarship.If the prescribed accredited courses for the first year of the Master’s degree programme have not been passed, entitlement to apply for an extension of the scholarship lapses.
Entitlement to a scholarship can also elapse during the study programme, after the first semester, if the student does not fulfill the study requirements set by the study and examination regulations.
Rules for awarding scholarships to foreign students in doctoral degree programmes at CTU
In support of international collaboration in the field of scientific research and education, the rector of CTU in Prague announces a system of scholarships for foreign doctoral students.
The scholarship is intended for foreign doctoral students who are capable of doing scientific work and studying in a doctoral programme in English at CTU in Prague, and who display qualities that entitle them to the award of this scholarship.
Procedures for awarding a scholarship
The scholarship is awarded in accordance with the Higher Education Act no. 111/1998 Sb., and they are paid from the scholarship fund and in accordance with § 91, para. (3) point. (b) of this Act may be paid from the grant.
The scholarship covers the basic scholarship awarded to students of doctoral study progammes and living costs in an amount up to CZK 10,000 per month. The scholarship isfinanced equally from the scholarship fund of the CTU rectorate and the scholarship fund of the relevant department or part of the university.
In accordance with the statement of the Rector no. 8/2001 of 12 November 2001 on charges to foreigners carrying out studies in a foreign language, the dean of the revelant department may reduce or cancel altogether the tuition fee that a foreign doctoral student would have to pay.
The scholarship is awarded to an individual student for a period of 6-12 months. In the event of excellent work results, it can be extended until the maximum time corresponding to the standard length of the study programme.
A doctoral student who is awarded a CTU scholarship is subject to the study and examination regulations for studying in doctoral degree programmes. The individual study plan, in accordance with Art. 30 point 1 in the regulations, is binding and forms part of the scholarship application process.
Applications for CTU scholarships are administered to foreign students on an ongoing basis by the CTU Department of International Relations Rector. The application is submitted on the form which is available on the CTU Rector website. The application should include:
professional Curriculum Vitae,
a list of publications,
the name and workplace of supervisors,
individual study plan discussed with the supervisor of the workplace and expected professional results of the stay,
a recommendation from the department, which is also an obligation for the payment of the relevant part of the scholarship according to point 2.
Decisions on the awarding of a scholarship are made by the vice-rector on the basis of a recommendation by a commission of vice-deans for international relations.
One of the outcomes of the study stay of foreign doctoral students must be results published in an internationally reviewed journal or an application submitted for an international grant. A copy of the submitted publication or grant application is submitted as an attachment to a brief final report on the study stay, which is elaborated on by the receiving workplace and submitted to the Science and Research Department of the relevant department (or part of the university) not later than three months after the completion of the study stay.
Rules for awarding grants from the CTU fund for students departing to study abroad or to participate in other activities abroad in the interest of CTU
In support of student mobility, the rector of CTU in Prague announces a system of awarding grants for students departing to study abroad or to participate in other activities abroad in the interest of CTU.
The funds earmarked for the support of student mobility are designed for students of the Czech Technical University in Prague who are departing on a short-term study abroad, or represent CTU in international professional student competitions and sports competitions. In justified cases the allowance may be granted for long-term study visits. The grant may be used to cover the costs of transportation, accommodation and meals for the student while abroad.
Procedures for awarding extra funds
The scholarship is awarded in accordance with the Higher Education Act no. 111/1998 Sb., and they are paid from the scholarship fund and in accordance with § 91, para. (3) point. (b) of this Act may be paid from the grant.
A request for extra funds may be made by a full-time student at CTU. For a group of students the request is to be submitted by the teacher leading the group.
The request is to be submitted on a form that contains information about the applicant, the purpose and justification for the request, foreign contacts and the estimated total cost. The application is to besubmitted through the International Relations office and include the comments of the Vice-Dean in charge of student affairs or possibly the vice-dean for international relations.
The allowance of extra funding is a maximum of 80% of the total estimated cost not exceeding CZK 18,000 per event. At least 20% of the total estimated costs must be funded from other sources (department, grant, sponsor, personal resources).
Decisions on the awarding of extra funds are made by the vice-rector on the basis of a recommendation by a commission of vice-deans for international relations.
Applications to the CTU Department of International Relations Rector may be administered on an ongoing basis.
The decision on the extra funding includes the amount granted and the conditions for its use.
Upon completion of a trip abroad, the student is required to prepare a travel report.
Students may apply for extra funds once per academic year.
Rules for awarding scholarships to CTU students departing to study abroad within the framework of the ERASMUS program
In support of student mobility, the rector of CTU in Prague announces a system of awarding funds to students departing to study abroad within the framework of the ERASMUS program.
The funds earmarked for the support of student mobility are designed for students of the Czech Technical University in Prague who are departing on a long-term study abroad within the framework of the ERASMUS program.
Procedures for awarding extra funds
The scholarship is awarded in accordance with the Higher Education Act no. 111/1998 Sb., and they are paid from the scholarship fund and in accordance with § 91, para. (3) point. (b) of this Act may be paid from the grant.
The request replaces the financial agreement drawn up with the student before departure abroad in the international relations section of the CTU Rector and signed by the bursar. Students are required to comply with the conditions specified therein.
The amount of contribution from the fund may amount to EUR 100 / month for 10 months.
Decisions on the awarding of funds are made by the vice-rector on the basis of a recommendation by a commission of vice-deans for international relations.
The decision on the awarding of funds will include the amount given. Conditions of its use are part of the financial agreement.