ELEKTRA, the Association of Alumni and Friends of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering at the Czech Technical University in Prague, was founded in 1991. Like other associations of engineers, ELEKTRA brings together alumni and friends of the University, regardless of their current status. Individuals and companies can be the members of the Association. Our aim is to provide support for the fast development and activities of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering (FEE). ELEKTRA is an informal association for those who strive to promote the good reputation of the school and its interests. We want to share experiences in and out of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering. Furthermore, to support the scientific and technical research altogether with technical studies for the 3rd millennium. Our mission is to facilitate meetings and guarantee active participation for all alumni members, and to set up a unique platform for exchanging practical experience and keeping abreast of what is new at the faculty.
ELEKTRA has the following activities:
- it organizes meetings for all alumni members
- it popularizes the research and scientific findings at the FEE CTU
- it jointly organizes exhibitions, seminars and conferences
- it cooperates with a wide range of expert associations in the Czech Republic and abroad
- it publishes informative materials
- it organizes cultural and social events
- it manages assets (only in Czech)
ELEKTRA – spolek absolventů a přátel FEL ČVUT v Praze
Technická 2
160 00 Praha 6-Dejvice
Phone: 224 352 850
Fax: 224 311 081