Results of the draw of the student survey for the winter semester 2021/2022

On February 13, 5,741 questionnaires for the winter semester for closed subjects were drawn (the status of the survey is already 36%!). The draw was made by doc. Jaroslav Roztočil, Chairman of the Academic Senate of FEE CTU, the prizes were entered into the survey by the Dean of the Faculty, prof. Petr Páta. The winners will receive a contribution to the electronics of their choice at a price of CZK 7,000.

The following students were drawn:

Name Study program and specialization  
Marek OplištilElectronics and communications, 3rd year, bachelor program
Michal Pozník Open Informatics - Computer Graphics, 2nd year, master's program
Mustakhim Akanov Open Informatics, 1st year, bachelor program

Congratulations to the winners!

The student survey now continues in the "even for enrolled subjects" mode, in which students can also comment on subjects they have not closed.

The survey will end on Sunday, February 20, and then be passed on to teachers for comment.

In Prague on February 14, 2022

doc. RNDr. Veronika Sobotíková, CSc., Vice-Dean