Take a virtual walk through an exhibition on the history of computer technology at the National Technical Museum

The box with two thousand punched labels had a capacity of 240 kB, the current USB flash drives are usually 16 GB. This fact illustrates the dizzyingly rapid development of information technology, which is not comparable to any other field of technology. The exhibition Czech Footprint in the History of Computer Science, prepared by the National Technical Museum and the Faculty of Electrical Engineering of the Czech Technical University in Prague, is devoted to the historical development of computer technology, including a domestic contribution to this event. Thanks to prof. PhDr. Marcela Efmertová, CSc., Ing. Božena Mannová, Ph.D., Ing. and Mgr. Zbyněk Nikel and Mgr. and Ing. Vít Holeček we can commemorate the 70th anniversary of the establishment of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering at the Czech Technical University.

Unfortunately, due to the epidemic situation, it is not possible to visit the exhibition at the National Technical Museum, so please accept our invitation for a short video tour. We firmly believe that there will be another opportunity to see the exhibition and its exhibits with our own eyes, its end is currently scheduled for May 9, 2021.

The exhibition Czech Footprint in the History of Computer Science is divided into three parts. The first section From abacus to smartphone deals with the general development of computer technology in the world, the second part entitled Czechoslovak Computer School presents the development of Czechoslovak computer technology tied mainly to Antonín Svoboda and the Research Institute of Mathematical Machines and emphasizes the Czech / Czechoslovak contributions to the development of information technologies. In the third section, called Microcomputers and the Internet, the visitor will find a selection of domestic microcomputers, especially in the 1980s, including an overview of period computer games. The end of the exhibition briefly acquaints the visitor with the phenomenon of internet and leads him to a deeper reflection on what an amazing technological leap the field of information technology has experienced in the last 60 years and what are his other perspectives.