Extraordinary publication of the Department of Mathematics
The member of Department of Mathematics, Jaroslav Tišer, is the coauthor of the research monograph J. Lindestrauss, D. Preiss, J. Tišer: Fréchet Differentiabilty of Lipschitz Functions and Porous Sets in Banach Spaces, Annals of Mathematics Studies, Priceton University Press, Princeton and Oxford, 2012.
Annals of Mathematics Studies has been published by Princeton Univeristy Press since 1940. This series is one of the oldest and most respected ones in science publishing. It has published many of the most important and influentinal mathematiocs works of the twentieth century, including epocha making discoveries of giants like H. Weyl, K. Godel, A. Church, and J. von Neumann. It continues this tradition to publish major works of the new millenium.
The mongraph contains breakthrough results in modern analysis and opens many new research directions in a few mathematical disciplines. It is expected that it will play decisive role in futher development. The material is highly origial and it appears for the first time. It is published together with most respected world wide known experts. Some phrases from the referee reports: "It contains what is the deepest penetration into differentiability in modern times... The proof of the main result takes 80 pages after all preliminary work is done."
We believe that this exceptional monograph will contribute to the prestigue of Departmetmet of Mathematics, Faculty of Elecrical Engineering and to whole Czech Technical University as well.