Open positions for Postdoctoral researchers and Senior visiting scientists
The Dean of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague, invites applications for Postdoctoral researchers and Senior visiting scientists
Priority is given to the field of electric power engineering, including
- high voltage engineering
- electric machines and drives
- power electronics
- power systems including production, transmission and storage
- magnetic materials and devices
but the call is also open to exeptional candidates from other fields.
This is temporary contract with the duration of 6 to 24 months.
The salary is competitive, based on quality and experience of the candidate.
How to apply:
by email to before May 16, 2018.
Prospective candidates should find a tutor/host among the faculty academic staff.
The applications must include:
The proposed research project with a signed approval of the tutor/host CV with list of publications and link to full texts of the most important papers at least one Letter of recommendation of an academic referee
Pre-selected candidates will be invited for remote interview and asked for submitting documents in paper form.
Requirements for postdocs:
- A PhD awarded after Nov. 19, 2010
- At least 2 journal papers published between Nov 20, 2014 and Nov 20, 2017 registered in WoS, Scopus or ERIH databases.
- Research job or PhD study outside the Czech Republic for at least 2 years in the period between Nov 20, 2014 and Nov 20, 2017
Requirements for Senior visiting scientists:
- PhD title received earlier than Nov. 20, 2010
- Minimum 3 journal papers published between Nov 20, 2012 and Nov 20, 2017 registered in WoS, Scopus or ERIH databases
- Minimum standardized H-index[1] should be 8,5 or higher
- Participation on research grant project in the past 5 years
- Research job outside the Czech Republic for minimum of 2 years in the period between Nov 20, 2014 and Nov 20, 2017
[1] H = f × ℎ
where f are the following correction factors: for Computer Science 1.75, Engineering 1.70. Materials Science 1.36, Mathematics 1.83, Physics 1.00, Space Science 0.74