Results of the draw of the student survey for the summer semester 2023/2024
On September 2, 2024, 4114 survey tickets were drawn for the summer semester (the status of filling out the survey is already 28 %). The draw was made by doc. Jaroslav Roztočil, chairman of the Academic Senate of the CTU FEE, the dean of the faculty, prof. Petr Páta, put the prizes in the poll. The winners will receive a voucher (CZK 7,000) for electronics equipment of their choice.
The following students were drawn:
Name | Study program and specialization | |
Šmídová Veronika | Lékařská elektronika a bioinformatika, bakalářské studium, 3. ročník |
Matoušek Ondřej | Kybernetika a robotika, magisterské studium, 2. ročník |
Vlčková Markéta | Elektrotechnika, energetika a management - Aplikovaná elektrotechnika, bakalářské studium, 2. ročník |
Congratulations to the winners!
The student survey now continues in the "even for enrolled courses" mode, in which students can also comment on courses they have enrolled in but not successfully completed.
The survey will close on Tuesday, September 10 and then be given to teachers for their comments.
In Prague on September 2, 2024
prof. Ing. Jiří Jakovenko, PhD., Vice-Dean
doc. Ivan Jelínek, administrator of the FEL survey