Practical Malware Combat
Přednáška Martina Vejmelky
KDY: 11.10.2016 at 16.15 - 17:45
KDE: FEL ČVUT, v místnosti T2:D3-209
Malware is a steadily increasing presence in our online lives. Reasons for writing malware have shifted from idle curiosity decades ago to the profitable business involving blackmail, identity and intellectual property theft that we see today. To stop malware, one must employ a variety of tactics and approaches, since there is no single method to reliably identify malware. We will discuss levels at which we can examine the behavior of programs and show examples of tools and methods that can be used to accomplish this task. We will begin at the instruction level, where behavior of interest may be found in interaction with the CPU/RAM, through the level of interaction with the operating system and finish at the Internet level, where the spreading of the program represents its behavior. The talk will also discuss technologies and systems used to gather, track and understand malware behavior in the Avast user base. Avast has over 400 million active users worldwide. This scale provides the Avast Threat Labs an excellent perspective for research and applications in program behavior analysis, machine learning and big data analytics.